Tururi virtuale


Nr: 87-89
October-December 2011

Carte de vizită: Judeţul Braşov
Destination: The County of Brasov
Kurze Visitenkarte von Kronstadt
Brassó megyei útikalauz
Pădurile virgine de la Şinca
The old-growth forests from Sinca
Die Urwälder bei Şinca
A sinkai szűz erdők
Folclorul autentic, promovat la Budila
Promoting Genuine Folklore in Budila
Authentische Folklore wird gefördert
A valódi folklórt népszerűsítik Bodolán
Crăciunul şi Anul Nou, la Codlea
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Codlea
Weihnacht und Neujahr in Zeiden
Karácsony és újév Feketehalomban
Cristian: Drumul pâinii
Cristian: the "Road of Bread"
Neustadt: Der Weg des Brotes
Keresztényfalva és A kenyér útja
Satul românesc: Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa, a Romanian village
Das rumänische Dorf Dumbrăviţa
Szúnyogszék, a román falu
Ghimbavul turistic
The tourist side of Ghimbav
Das touristische Weidenbach
A turizmus Vidombákon
Zilele Hălchiului
The Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövényi napok
Crăciunul la Homorod
Christmas in Homorod
Weihnachten in Hamruden
Karácsony Szászhomoródon
Focul lui Sumedru
The "Fire of Sumedru" Custom
Sumedrus Feuer
Sumedru tüzének ünnepe
Miraculoasele legende de la Sânpetru
The Wondrous Legends of Sanpetru
Petersberger Sagen
A szenpéteri csodás történetek, legendák
Festivalul Oierilor
The Festival of Sheep Breeders
Das Festival der Schafzüchter
Juhtenyésztők fesztiválja

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Promoting Genuine Folklore in Budila


The commune of Budila, County of Brasov, has been known in the course of years under several different names: Bodila (Budille in the Saxon dialect, Bodeln, Budille, Bodila, Bodola in German, Bodola in Hungarian). Despite being a small settlement with low budget, the local customs and traditions of the Romanian, the Hungarian and the Romani are still preserved and promoted here.
Each year their value is enhanced through various events featuring the performance of folk groups from Brasov and Covasna Counties, the brass band from Zagon, Covasna County, as well as the children folk groups from the local Romanian and Hungarian language kindergarten.

Making the best use of the cultural potential

"We have resumed the series of cultural events to make the best use of Budila’s tourist potential. That is way I am so glad that the youngest citizens of this commune, namely the children from the Romanian and Hungarian language kindergartens will pass over our customs and traditions to future generations. We have kindergarten teachers willing to teach the children regional dances, to inculcate in them the love for genuine folklore and the joy of staging it. The Town Hall of Budila and the Local Council are showing a special interest to this aspect and make efforts to invest in the education and in teaching of future generations", said Mr. Constantin Galborcea, Mayor of Budila.

Customs and Traditions

Among the customs and traditions celebrated throughout the year, we mention: the Masked Parade ("Alaiul cu Mascaţi") when mummies are set on fire in a specially arranged location, symbolizing the "burning" of the old year and chasing away bad spirits, the Peony Festival reuniting several brass bands from Brasov, Covasna and Harghita Counties, the Day of Budila where Romanian, Hungarian and Romani customs and traditions and cultural events are exclusively dedicated to Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

The Art of Cooking

"Among local dishes I mention the Goulash with beans from Ardeal and homemade smoked pork bones much appreciated by tourists. In the culinary art, the food is not tasteful if it lacks love, passion and the joy of cooking. Though there are cuisine secrets which can not be revealed, they can still stir curiosity and determine culinary art lovers consume such products. Those who want to spend an unforgettable holiday in these places are invited to get more familiar with our gastronomy and enjoy tasting traditional delicacies," said Zsigmond Zoltan who works as a chef and who was present at the event.


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