Tururi virtuale


Nr: 87-89
October-December 2011

Carte de vizită: Judeţul Braşov
Destination: The County of Brasov
Kurze Visitenkarte von Kronstadt
Brassó megyei útikalauz
Pădurile virgine de la Şinca
The old-growth forests from Sinca
Die Urwälder bei Şinca
A sinkai szűz erdők
Folclorul autentic, promovat la Budila
Promoting Genuine Folklore in Budila
Authentische Folklore wird gefördert
A valódi folklórt népszerűsítik Bodolán
Crăciunul şi Anul Nou, la Codlea
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Codlea
Weihnacht und Neujahr in Zeiden
Karácsony és újév Feketehalomban
Cristian: Drumul pâinii
Cristian: the "Road of Bread"
Neustadt: Der Weg des Brotes
Keresztényfalva és A kenyér útja
Satul românesc: Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa, a Romanian village
Das rumänische Dorf Dumbrăviţa
Szúnyogszék, a román falu
Ghimbavul turistic
The tourist side of Ghimbav
Das touristische Weidenbach
A turizmus Vidombákon
Zilele Hălchiului
The Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövényi napok
Crăciunul la Homorod
Christmas in Homorod
Weihnachten in Hamruden
Karácsony Szászhomoródon
Focul lui Sumedru
The "Fire of Sumedru" Custom
Sumedrus Feuer
Sumedru tüzének ünnepe
Miraculoasele legende de la Sânpetru
The Wondrous Legends of Sanpetru
Petersberger Sagen
A szenpéteri csodás történetek, legendák
Festivalul Oierilor
The Festival of Sheep Breeders
Das Festival der Schafzüchter
Juhtenyésztők fesztiválja

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The tourist side of Ghimbav



Ghimbav town lies in Brasov Depression, at 7 km west to Brasov City, on the national road DN1 and rail road Brasov-Sibiu. It is a former suburban area of Brasov and its average altitude is 535 m. It has 28.9 square km and the population reaches 5100 inhabitants made up of Romanians, Saxons and other ethnic groups. Ghimbav was declared a town in 2002.
The town is crossed by rivers Barsa and Ghimbasel. The town was named after the latter, after Ghimbav Mountains, the place from which it springs in Bucegi Massive.

Brief History

This area has been populated ever since the Iron Age. On the banks of Ghimbasel river there is a Dacian settlement, specific to the civilization of the first Iron Age's phase. A significant quantity of Dacian ceramics has been discovered on a large area here. The first settlement, called "Campsor", used to lie on the location of the current aerodrome. The origin of the current settlement is connected to the existence of the Teutonic knights in Tara Barsei region in the period 1211-1225 and to the colonization of Saxons in the 13th century. In the town centre there is the Fortified Rural Citadel, a historical and architectural monument built at the end of the 13th century around the Evangelic Church, which was built two centuries before that. The church was first designed as a Roman basilica called "Saint Peter". Nowadays tourists can visit the Citadel, attend religious mass and listen to organ music.


"Ghimbav had a good agricultural tradition and later on a major industrial development. The town has become nationally and internationally known during the last decades due to the manufacture and export of airplanes, helicopters and gliders manufactured in the plant reopened here in 1968, after closing the one from Brasov because of the requirements imposed to Romania after the Second World War. Ghimbav has faced a rapid development during the last 10-15 years and raising the town's tourist potential is now a top priority. We have customs and traditions we are proud of and we are trying to enhance their value through folk groups and various projects," said Mr. Toma Dorel, Mayor of Ghimbav.

Cultural Events

During December 21rst -23rd 2011, the Town Hall of Ghimbav organizes the Winter Holidays Festival, a highly appreciated cultural event, which makes the best use of the local cultural and historical potential.
One of the traditions is represented by the carnivals organized by Saxons. They are celebrated in January and February. All carnivals have a subject, and the most beautiful masks are granted awards.
Other festivals worth mentioning are the Historical Festival (August 2012), taking its inspiration from the history, legends and traditions of Ghimbav and the Aviation Festival (in the summer of 2012), which is the most important, being attended by foreign visitors, too.


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