Tururi virtuale


Nr: 87-89
October-December 2011

Carte de vizită: Judeţul Braşov
Destination: The County of Brasov
Kurze Visitenkarte von Kronstadt
Brassó megyei útikalauz
Pădurile virgine de la Şinca
The old-growth forests from Sinca
Die Urwälder bei Şinca
A sinkai szűz erdők
Folclorul autentic, promovat la Budila
Promoting Genuine Folklore in Budila
Authentische Folklore wird gefördert
A valódi folklórt népszerűsítik Bodolán
Crăciunul şi Anul Nou, la Codlea
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Codlea
Weihnacht und Neujahr in Zeiden
Karácsony és újév Feketehalomban
Cristian: Drumul pâinii
Cristian: the "Road of Bread"
Neustadt: Der Weg des Brotes
Keresztényfalva és A kenyér útja
Satul românesc: Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa, a Romanian village
Das rumänische Dorf Dumbrăviţa
Szúnyogszék, a román falu
Ghimbavul turistic
The tourist side of Ghimbav
Das touristische Weidenbach
A turizmus Vidombákon
Zilele Hălchiului
The Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövényi napok
Crăciunul la Homorod
Christmas in Homorod
Weihnachten in Hamruden
Karácsony Szászhomoródon
Focul lui Sumedru
The "Fire of Sumedru" Custom
Sumedrus Feuer
Sumedru tüzének ünnepe
Miraculoasele legende de la Sânpetru
The Wondrous Legends of Sanpetru
Petersberger Sagen
A szenpéteri csodás történetek, legendák
Festivalul Oierilor
The Festival of Sheep Breeders
Das Festival der Schafzüchter
Juhtenyésztők fesztiválja

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The "Fire of Sumedru" Custom


The commune of Moieciu lies in the middle of the country, between Piatra Craiului and Bucegi Mountains, on Rucar-Bran corridor. Situated at an altitude ranging from 800 to 1200 m, the entire area is good for practicing winter sports and almost all the other tourism forms. It is considered to be a famous resort of Brasov County, next to Predeal and Poiana Brasov. European funds have been accessed through the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism in order to raise the tourist potential of this area. In this regard the Town Hall of Moieciu organized several events as part of this project. The traditional "Fire of Sumedru" custom has recently taken place, being nationally broadcasted live.

The Night Ritual

Each year on the night of October 25th -26th, in the ethnographic area of Moieciu, a night ritual is performed as a symbol for the renewal of the calendar time. All the locals gather around a huge funerary pyre lit up by the young people who keep the fire in with dry sticks, and they all cry out the words " Join the Fire of Sumedru!" in one voice. Women give to people pretzels, walnuts, pears and apples. When people leave, they take away with them lit charcoals and use them to fertilize their gardens and orchards. The fire has a protective role and the young people and children go through the fire and throw lit charcoals. Saint Dumitru is a pastoral divinity, protector of the shepherds. It refers to the "living fire" of the Romanian sheep breeders, which mainly purifies herdsmen and flocks.

The Procession of the Torches

This year "Fire of Sumedru" was a huge attraction for many Romanians and foreign tourists. They watched the fire ritual, symbolizing the "funerary pyre", the procession of the folk groups, folk vocal artists and the children folk groups holding torches in their hands and crying out "Join the Fire of Sumedru with apples, pears, walnuts which are sweeter!". Children offered apples, walnuts and doughnuts to the public, right after the Mayor had lit up the fire.
At the same time the public could enjoy an exceptional show, they could taste local the traditional food and buy souvenirs from the little wooden houses specially built by folk craftsmen.

The Mayor's Message

"From our experience during the last years we have noticed that rural tourism can be a thriving business and it is expected to become the main true source of development of this area. Moieciu is the ideal place to spent the perfect vacation in the middle of nature, due to its natural surroundings with breathtaking landscapes, ozone which is good for health, tasteful and ecological traditional gastronomic products, quietness balanced by the sound of clear mountain flowing waters, as well as thanks to its hardworking, skilful and hospitable inhabitants. We are waiting for you here to enjoy these wonderful gifts the nature has given to us together," said Mr. Niculae Clinciu, Mayor of Moieciu.


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