Tururi virtuale


Nr: 87-89
October-December 2011

Carte de vizită: Judeţul Braşov
Destination: The County of Brasov
Kurze Visitenkarte von Kronstadt
Brassó megyei útikalauz
Pădurile virgine de la Şinca
The old-growth forests from Sinca
Die Urwälder bei Şinca
A sinkai szűz erdők
Folclorul autentic, promovat la Budila
Promoting Genuine Folklore in Budila
Authentische Folklore wird gefördert
A valódi folklórt népszerűsítik Bodolán
Crăciunul şi Anul Nou, la Codlea
Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Codlea
Weihnacht und Neujahr in Zeiden
Karácsony és újév Feketehalomban
Cristian: Drumul pâinii
Cristian: the "Road of Bread"
Neustadt: Der Weg des Brotes
Keresztényfalva és A kenyér útja
Satul românesc: Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa, a Romanian village
Das rumänische Dorf Dumbrăviţa
Szúnyogszék, a román falu
Ghimbavul turistic
The tourist side of Ghimbav
Das touristische Weidenbach
A turizmus Vidombákon
Zilele Hălchiului
The Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövényi napok
Crăciunul la Homorod
Christmas in Homorod
Weihnachten in Hamruden
Karácsony Szászhomoródon
Focul lui Sumedru
The "Fire of Sumedru" Custom
Sumedrus Feuer
Sumedru tüzének ünnepe
Miraculoasele legende de la Sânpetru
The Wondrous Legends of Sanpetru
Petersberger Sagen
A szenpéteri csodás történetek, legendák
Festivalul Oierilor
The Festival of Sheep Breeders
Das Festival der Schafzüchter
Juhtenyésztők fesztiválja

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The Wondrous Legends of Sanpetru


Historical legends of rare beauty are told in connection with Sanpetru commune of Brasov County. They are now part of the project "Raising the tourist potential of Sanpetru commune" carried out with funds from the European Union, through the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. Some refer to the past defence of the commune, others to some flowers with mystical meaning, and some others go even further mentioning giants alleged to have lived long time ago in this region. They are all exciting, each having its own charm. They are considered to be unique pieces of heritage.

"Giant" Stories

"The history of Sanpetru has legends of giants who would have dried their pants on Sanpetru Mountains, leaving their trails that can still be seen today in the direction of the Seven Villages. Another legend says that the Saxons from Sanpentru and the Hungarian Csango people from the Seven Villages (Sacele) made an understanding when establishing their borders. The people from Sanpetru brought bird seeds boiled in milk and the Hungarian Csango - big roasted geese. They met at a short distance from the Seven Villages and in that very spot they placed boundary stones and then sat to eat. The leader of the people from Sanpetru told the Hungarians: , to which the other leader replied: . Raising their glasses, the people from Sanpetru said in a loud voice: , and the Hungarians replied: ," said Mr. Ion Rusu, Mayor of Sanpetru.

The Legend of the Saving Needle

The legend says that the Turkish army, leaded by the Pasha, attacked the commune Sanpetru and the Saxons were forced to withdraw into the fortress without ammunition. While the Turks were escalading the walls of the fortress, a young woman pulled off her big hair needle which supported her head dress, loaded the musket with it and shot at the Pasha by killing him. Without a leader, the Turkish abandoned their attacks and withdrew, by taking the corpse of the Pasha with them. The fortress was thus saved.

The Legend of "Ruscuta" (spring Adonis) and "Laleaua pestrita" (checkered tulip)

When talking about the spring Adonis and the checkered tulip growing in the natural reserve "Dealul Lempes" (Lempes Hill) of Sanpetru, people say that they are mystical flowers. The legend of "Ruscuta" says that this flower blooms around Easter holidays and emerged from Lord Jesus` tears when crucified.
There is also a legend related to the checkered tulip. People say that the flower was formerly called the Padishah Flower, after Daria, the niece of a treasurer working at the Palace of the Persian Padishah. One night Daria had a dream in which a young lady asked her for flowers for her ill mother in exchange of a checkered tulip. After a while a checkered tulip grew in her garden. Now this flower still grows today on Lempes Hill.


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