Tururi virtuale


Nr: 40-41
November-December 2007

"Deschide uşa creştine!"
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Costumi di Natale
Un an de activitate a Agenţiei de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Judeţului Braşov
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Informatore turistico
Delegaţia Provinciei Liaoning la Braşov
Chinese Delegation in Brasov
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Delegazione cinese a Brasov
Conferinţa Internaţională "15 Noiembrie '87"
15th November 1987
Le 15 Novembre 1987
Il 15 Novembre 1987
Braşov - oraş din poveste
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I Giorni di Budila
Obiceiuri de iarnă la Codlea
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La maschera della divinità
Prejemer, pol al industriei braşovene
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Passato e futuro a Halchiu
Muzeul "Casa Mureşenilor"
"Casa Muresenilor" Museum

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15th November 1987



Brasov celebrated recently 20 years since the rebellion of the Trucks Factory's workers, occurred on November 15, 1987. On this occasion, the Association "15th November 1987", under the high auspices of the president of Romania, Traian Basescu, in association with the Government of Romania and the local authorities of Brasov, organized a series of manifestations to mark the event. The day was opened by the homage paid at the Cross Monument dedicated to the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for the liberty. The Guard of Honour marched on parade for the glory of the victims. Local authorities, members of the Association and inhabitants kept a recollection moment at the monument and paid homage to the families of those passed away during the tragic event.

Exhibitions and Testimonies

The phenomenon of the anticommunist resistance was illustrated through various events that emphasized the significance of the 15th November 1987 in public conscience. Several museums and art galleries of Brasov hosted exhibitions inspired by the event. The newspaper "15th November" had a special edition and a book describing the anticommunist riot was launched in the libraries. The students of "Transylvania" University of Brasov listen to the testimonies of the anticommunist fighters, along with the ambassadors of Poland and Czech Republic and members of the "Solidarity" syndicate in Poland.

The President's Homage

The speech of president Basescu alluded to courage and dignity. "November 15, 1987 was a courage testimony; it was the prologue of the Revolution of 1989. In my name, as chief of the state, and in the name of the Romanian people, I express my respect for your action of 1987, which was the signal of the communist regime's fall in Romania". Florin Postolachi, president of the "15th November 1987" Brasov, talked about the 12 members who died during the 20 years passed since the anticommunist rebellion. Most of the survivors still suffer because of the tortures they had to endure those days.


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