Tururi virtuale


Nr: 40-41
November-December 2007

"Deschide uşa creştine!"
Christian Customs
Coutumes de Noël
Costumi di Natale
Un an de activitate a Agenţiei de Dezvoltare Durabilă a Judeţului Braşov
The Lasting Development Agency
L'Agence de Développement Durable
L'Agenzia di Sviluppo Duraturo
Aro Palace - Revelion 2008
ARO PALACE - a Dream Choice
Junii Braşovului în imagini
The Juni' Flags
Les Bannières des Juni
Ofertă specială la Predeal
The Touring Informant
Informateur touristique
Informatore turistico
Delegaţia Provinciei Liaoning la Braşov
Chinese Delegation in Brasov
Delegation chinoise à Brasov
Delegazione cinese a Brasov
Conferinţa Internaţională "15 Noiembrie '87"
15th November 1987
Le 15 Novembre 1987
Il 15 Novembre 1987
Braşov - oraş din poveste
The Fairy-tales Town
La ville des contes de fées
La città delle favole
80 de ani de industrie de aviaţie la Braşov
IAR SA still flies after 80 years
IAR SA vole encore depuis 80 ans
IAR SA vola ancora a 80 anni
Bisericile săseşti, redate circuitului turistic
Zonal Planning Surveys
Plans Urbanistiques
Piani Urbanistici
Zilele Comunei Budila
Budila's Days
Les Jours de Budila
I Giorni di Budila
Obiceiuri de iarnă la Codlea
The Divinity's Mask
Le masque de la divinité
La maschera della divinità
Prejemer, pol al industriei braşovene
The Industrial Park Prejmer
Le Parc Industriel Prejmer
Il Parco Industriale Prejmer
Crăciun la Comăna de Jos
The Youths Host
La bande des jeunes
La comitiva dei giovani
Zoritorii din Cristian
Downers and Investments
Aubeurs et investisseurs
Becleanul magic
The magic Beclean
Le Beclean magique
Hălchiul de altădată
Past and Future at Halchiu
Passe et futur à Halchiu
Passato e futuro a Halchiu
Muzeul "Casa Mureşenilor"
"Casa Muresenilor" Museum

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

The Divinity's Mask


One of the marks of Codlea spirit is its constancy in conserving its ancient customs. During summer, the Germans living in Codlea celebrate Kronenfest; Romanians have their special period on Christmas, a great opportunity for a wonderful display of cultural manifestations, gathered within the Festival of Winter Habits.

Christmas and New Year's Traditions

The mayor of Codlea, Alexandru Popa, assigns considerable amounts to the Folkloric Band "Magura Codlei", to promote and reinvigorate the popular German and Romanian traditions. "In our folklore, the days dedicated to the New Year feast, is the richest traditional cycle. In the archaic village, the youths used to gather in hosts to scour the locality and sing carols. Having a leader and a strict hierarchy, the host regulated the entire life of the community".

Divinity's Substitutes

In the south-east of Transylvania, the youth host is accompanied by an anthropomorphic mask. Its name is Turca in the villages at the foot of Fagaras Mountains; across the river Olt, the custom is known as The Buck. The animal is a substitute of the divinity, who dies and renews during the Christmas ceremonial. The mask Turca is made by a table-cloth sewed as a sac, from which hang a lot of strips and coloured kerchief, mops of rabbit four. The mask is worn by a young boy, who is not allowed to talk or accompany the host in church in the villages where the pre-Christian elements are not accepted. Turca is the symbol of the god who dies and renews annually, while the host represents the whole community.


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