Tururi virtuale


Nr: 42-43
January-February 2008

Braşovul la Bruxelles
Meeting in Brussels
Reabilitarea Bisericii ?Sfântul Nicolae?
The renewal of ?Sf. Nicolae? Church
Le ravalement de l?Eglise ?Sf. Nicolae?
Il restauro della Chiesa ?Sf. Nicolae?
Bucătăria tradiţională braşoveană
Brasov?s Authentic
Authentique de Brasov
Autentico di Brasov
Banca Mondială sprijină Braşovul
The Roundabout Road
La voie-détour de Brasov
La tangenziale di Brasov
Bilanţul Instituţiei Prefectului
The Prefect?s Institution Balance
Le Bilan de l?Institution du Préfet
Il bilancio dell?Istituzione del Prefetto
Fosnich - Obicei specific la Rupea, Homorod, Buneşti, Dăişoara
The Vicinity
Les Voisinages
Le Vicinanze
Informator turistic la Bran
Touring Informant at Bran
Informateur touristique à Bran
Informatore turistico a Bran
Codlea, oraşul din Ţara Bârsei
The Town of Flowers
La ville des fleurs
La città dei fiori
Iarna la Predeal
Predeal in Winter
Predeal en hiver
Predeal nell?inverno
Unirea Principatelor Române
The Feast of January 24
La fête du 24 Janvier
La festa del 24 Gennaio
Omagiu lui Valentin Bakfark
The Renaissance Year
L?Anno Rinascimentale
Consulat britanic la Braşov
British Consulate at Brasov
Consulat Britannique à Brasov
Consolato Britannico a Brasov
Teliu, capitala melcilor
The Snails Factory
La Fabrique d?Escargots
La Fabbrica di Lumache
Aro-Palace - Turism de cinci stele la Braşov
Five stars tourism
Tourisme de 5 étoiles
Turismo di cinque stelle
Dezvoltarea metropolitană
Metropolitan Strategy in Brasov
Stratégie métropolitaine à Brasov
Strategia metropolitana a Brasov
Hiperdia - 10 ani de activitate
Hiperdia: 10 years after
Hiperdia, 10 ans après
Hiperdia, 10 anni dopo
Serviciul Evidenţa Persoanelor, modernizat
Voice-Data Communications
Comunicazioni Voce-Dati

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

The Vicinity

Around January 24, in Rupea area, several localities organise cultural events dedicated to the Romanian Principalities Union. The feast is known under the name fosnich, an ancient German term, or ?Proximities?. In 1859, Moldavia and Valacchia realized the Union under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. The inhabitants of Ardeal, the other historical principality, wished hardly to participate at the event. ?At that time, Ardeal was under Austrian-Hungarian domination. Nevertheless, its inhabitants danced the Union Round, in honour the great occurrence. Their descendents celebrate since then this national feast, emphasizing the distinctive elements of the each locality? the ethno-folklorist Ioan Pumnea says.

Table covered with meals

At Daisoara, an 800 inhabitants village, there are four vicinities. Each one sets at the communitarian house a long table, putting on it various meals they cook at home. Everyone seats next to its neighbour, they eat and party together; at the end, they dance the round, dressed in folkloric cloths.

The Vicinity?s World

The vicinity is constituted only by the families formed around a household. The members of the vicinity help each other with money, agrarian products, food, in case of catastrophe, take part at the most important moments of life ? weddings, funerals ? help each other in building a house or farming. They participate together at the public works: streets scavenging, fountains cleaning, dikes digging or repairing the bridges destroyed by the flood.

The Vicinities Encounter

The vicinities also have a cultural purpose; its members are encouraged to respect and love each other, to love their country and transmit the tradition to the young generations. Every vicinity is lead by a three persons committee, wherefrom the leader is selected. The vicinity also administrates a popular bank, constituted from the annual fees and the hire of the furniture On January 24, the Romanian Principalities? Union occasions the traditional event
?The Vicinities Encounter?

Impersonating Characters

In Mercheasa village, local people turn back time to celebrate the Union in a distinctive manner. They use to impersonate famous characters of the time as the prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza or the peasant Mos Ion Roata. Dressed as the originals, they cross the village, exhorting the people to dance the Union Dance and participate at the big ball.


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