Voice-Data Communications
The County Communitarian Direction for Persons? Evidence celebrated, January 1st 2008, three years of activity. It?s most important objective in 2007 was the purchase of the data transmission services VPN Intranet communications kind, for 10 of its seats and the setting of the regional communications network and connection at the Ministry Voice-Data Communications Network.
ID Cards for Rom
The Persons? Evidence Service unfolded last year various project regarding the corruption and the bureaucracy, the protection of data and classified information, actions in schools. Another important project was ?ID Cards for Rom Ethnics? in collaboration with the gipsy communities.
Papers for Minors
According to Gabriela Ungureanu, Direction?s executive director, the no papers minors hosted in the social protection centres received birth certificates. Almost 65.000 ID cards and 4.400 passports were released in the entire county, while 17.000 birth, marriage and death certificated have benne verified. A peculiar success had the 96.000 euros PHARE program meant to modernise the Persons? Evidence Service of the county.