The Prefect?s Institution Balance
One of the competences of the Prefect?s Institution of Brasov county is to seal to apostil on the civil status papers, identification records and other kind of documents of Romanian or foreign citizens. The most required countries in 2007 were Italy, Spain, Germany, but there were also urges for destinations as New Zeeland, Australia or Japan.
Restitution Resolutions
The County Commission registered 660 files, wherefrom it settled 189, concerning the indemnities and compensations to be granted to the Romanian citizens for their goods sequestrated, suppressed or left in Basarabia, North Bucovina and Herta district.
At the Prefect?s Institution, there were registered 5692 notifications; a quart of them were solved through resolution for restitution in kind, equivalent or compensation. The resolutions are in progress for 1770 notifications, while 1276 of them were redirected and 1067 rejected.
Culture and Infrastructure
Within June-December 2007, the Prefect?s Institution initiated and promoted 25 Government Enactments projects regarding funds assignations for the rehabilitation of the infrastructure damaged by the floods, road mender financings, extensions or establishment of water-supply plants, but also concerning the financing of several cultural actions ? churches and chapels restoring, the International Conference ?15th November 1987?, The Interpretation National Contest of the Romanian Lied.
Special Care for Children and Elders
Thanks to the Institution?s initiatives in 2007, the Romanian Government assigned more than 3 million euros for Brasov county.
Through various enactments, the Government also assigned considerable amounts for the persons recovered in the special protection establishments under the coordination of the National Authority for Handicapped Persons and the County?s Department for Child Protection Brasov.
The elders hosted by the biggest hostel in Brasov were also given food and clothes.