Tururi virtuale


Nr: 99-101
October-December 2012

Judeţul Braşov, proiecte de promovare
The county of Brasov, promotion projects
Förderprogramme des Kreises Kronstadt/Braşov
Brassó megye megismertetéséért
Prefectura, activă în viaţa socială
Involvement of the Prefect's Institution in the social life
Eine aktive Präsenz im sozialen Leben
A prefektúra aktív társadalmi szerepe
Braşovul este bine pozitionat în cadrul concurenţei investiţionale
Brasov is well located within investment competition
Kronstadt ist im Standortwettbewerb gut aufgestellt
Brassó jól áll a beruházási versenyben
Recital cameral "Gaudeamus 25"
Chamber recital "Gaudeamus 25"
Kammermusikkonzerte "Gaudeamus 25"
Gaudeamus 25 kamarahangverseny
Multiculturalism la Budila
Multiculturalism in Budila
Multikulturalismus in Budila
Multikulturalizmus Bodolán
Ziua României, la Codlea
The National Day of Romania in Codlea
Der Nationalfeiertag Rumäniens in Zeiden/Codlea
Románia napja Feketehalomban
Moieciu, în prim-planul turismului românesc
Moieciu, in the forefront of the Romanian tourism
Moieciu im Vordergrund des rumänischen Tourismus
Moécs a romániai idegenforgalom élvonalában
Poiana Braşov, sport şi agrement
Poiana Brasov, a resort for both sport and recreation
Poiana Braşov/Schulerau ? Sport und Unterhaltung
Brassó Pojána, sport és kikapcsolódás
Predeal, perla turismului montan
Predeal, the pearl of mountain tourism
Predeal ? die Perle des rumänischen Bergtourismus
Predeal, a hegyi turizmus gyöngye
Copiii din Sânpetru doreau pace de Crăciun
The children from Sanpetru wished for peace on Christmas
Die Petersberger Kinder wünschten sich den Frieden als Weihnachtsgeschenk
A szentpéteri gyerekek békét kívántak karácsonyra
Vama Buzăului între Transilvania şi Ţara Românească
Vama Buzaului between Transylvania and Tara Romaneasca
Vama Buzăului ? zwischen Transsylvanien und Walachei
Bodzavám Erdély és Havaselve közt
Muzeul de Etnografie Braşov: 45 de ani de existenţă
The Ethnography Museum Brasov: 45 years old
45 Jahre seit der Gründung des Volkskundemuseums Kronstadt/Braşov
45 éves a Brassói Népművészeti Múzeum

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Moieciu, in the forefront of the Romanian tourism


Commune Moieciu is located in Tara Barsei, and in the Middle Ages it used to be the main road connecting Transylvania to the mountain town from the Lower Danube.
Commune Moieciu is also at 28 km away from Brasov and connects Brasov to Campulung Muscel and Pitesti. It is also famous for being one of the oldest communication channels on the Romanian territory, even before Dacia was occupied by the Romans, in A.D.106. During the Roman occupation this old commercial and military road used to connect Cumidava (Rasnov) to Jidava (Poenari de Muscel).

Moieciu today

"If this commune is known ever since the Dacians, this area is nowadays famous for becoming a mountain resort. Tourists come especially to spend holidays in Moieciu, but also to participate in important cultural events. The National Festival has been recently organized, followed by Focul lui Sumedru, a feast day reuniting the past with the present, the customs with the modern man. Everything happens in a natural environment full of inspiration and light, and tourists come especially to enjoy these things. Now we are preparing to wait for our guests in the boarding houses with good food, Christmas fir-tree, customs and traditions and surprises organized for the night between the years." declared Nicolae Clinciu, the Mayor of commune Moieciu.

The National Festival Vlahia

The third edition of the National Festival Vlahia brought literature, theatre and plastic arts, next to music under the same umbrella, in Moieciu de Sus. Organisers: the Global Association for Human Recovery, Vlahia Inn, Town Hall Moieciu and the Association Respect. Valuable Romanian artists and young artists shared the talent and joy of a creation that has got out of the pattern and bravery of contemporary arts. Book releases, musical album and video releases, picture exhibitions, sculpture, workmanship were organized. Poetry and music found a common way to convey emotion within creation workshops which reunited valuable poets and composers.

Sacred fire

Every year, on the occasion of Saint Dumitru, "Focul lui Sumedru" (Sumedru`s Fire) is celebrated in commune Moieciu. This event is part of a bigger project of the tourism potential of the area. On this occasion a big fire is made, around which tourists sit to enjoy the fire show, considered to be the "funeral pyre". Children gather in a group with torches and say: "Come to Focu` lui Sumedru, with apples, pears, nuts because they are sweeter!". Then they offer apples, nuts and donuts to the people. The event is organized before the Advent. The fire purifies and chases away bad spirits, preparing the land for the most important event, the Birth of Jesus.


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