The Ethnography Museum Brasov: 45 years old
In September 2012, the Ethnography Museum Brasov celebrated 45 years of uninterrupted ethnographic museography activity in Brasov. The event was marked through an anniversary ceremony in which representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Cults, of the County Council Brasov, of the National Commission of Museums and Collections, of the Romanian National Committee ICOM, as well as of representatives of museum institutions took part.
Emotional Anniversary
"This is a heart touching anniversary for us. The museum is a place where the past connects to the future. The balance of the activity of the museum institution from Brasov reflects development phases, concepts and thematic modernizations, important projects and concern for the ethnologic patrimony protection. All these account for the lasting professional level, supported by the Ethnography Museum Brasov. Brasov is chosen as an interest area for its collections and is an EU partner," said dr. Ligia Fulga, the Director of the Ethnography for the celebration.
Museum collections
The Ethnography Museum Brasov is dedicated to the regional ethnology in the South-East of Transylvania, illustrating through its valuable patrimony the civilization of the rural community in the ethnographic areas: Bran, Rupea, Tara Oltului, Valea Hartibaciului, Tara Barsei. The last one proves a strong urban character due to the presence of Brasov, a famous commercial and handicraft town known in the East of Transylvania ever since the early Middle Ages.
Valuable pieces
The heritage of the museum was created through a purchase program; it includes 5000 iconographic documents in the rural and urban area. The patrimony of the museum, of more than 28.000 objects, is broken down by the following collections: textiles and popular costumes, wood, metal, ceramics, glass, painted eggs, toys, old photos, documents; the museum has a specialty library (3674 volumes), one archive with photos (15000 black and white negatives, 2600 colour dispositive), audio-video archives (1000 cassettes).