Tururi virtuale


Nr: 96-98
July-September 2012

Primul muzeu virtual din România, la Braşov
The first virtual museum from Romania is in Brasov
Das erste virtuelle Museum Rumäniens in Kronstadt/Braşov
Románia első virtuális múzeuma Brassóban
Festivalul "Turnirul Cetăţilor"
The "Fortresses` Tournament" Festival
Festival "Turnier der Burgen"
Középkori várak lovagi tornája
Concert nocturn aniversar extraordinar
Extraordinary nocturnal anniversary concert
Jubiläumskonzert in den Abendstunden
Évfordulós rendkívüli éjszakai hangverseny
Colegiul Áprily Lajos: 175 de ani
Aprily Lajos High School: 175 years
175 Jahre seit der Gründung des Aprily-Lajos-Lyzeums
175 éves az Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium
Codlea, vară culturală
Codlea, cultural summer
Ein Kultursommer
Feketehalmi kulturális nyár
"Bătutul arminzinilor", la Feldioara
The "Raising of the Maypole" in Feldioara
Das Maibaum-Aufstellen in Marienburg/Feldioara
Májusfaállítás Barcaföldváron
Popas la Ghimbav
Stop over in Ghimbav
Rast in Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Pihenő Vidombákon
Legendele Ţării Bârsei, la Hălchiu
The Legends of Barsa Region (Tara Barsei) in Hălchiu
Burzenländer Sagen in Heldsdorf/Hălchiu
A Barcaság legendái Höltövényben
Nedeia Munţilor, la Fundata
The Village Feast in the Mountains in Fundata
Nedeia Munţilor in Fundata
Hegyvidéki ünnep Fundátán
Staţiunea Predeal, ofertă de vară
Predeal Resort, summer offer
Das Sommerangebot in Predeal
Predeal: kínálat a nyári idényre
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vistea, Dragus, Sambata de Sus
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vist, Dragus, Felsőszombatfalva
"Cântecul care zideşte"
"The Creating Song"
"Das Lied das aufbaut"
Az "építő ének"

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The "Raising of the Maypole" in Feldioara



The May Day Festival or the Raising of the Maypole" was celebrated in commune Feldioara, county of Brasov, at the same time with the celebration of the Pentecost. The young people in the village are divided in parties, in two big categories: in the first one there are the boys at the age of recruitment named "zablai", and in the second one there are the lads, young people who already served in the army and who are now to get married. In the Pentecost Friday, the parties choose the maypoles, young birches in the woods; they cut them down and bring them into the village. The lads choose the birch for the girl they like, but an old person, who knows the woods accompanies them to show them the trees which can be cut, without damaging the woods.

The parade of carts with maypoles

In the Pentecost morning, the first pair of maypoles is erected at the gate of the church and then each cart with lads and maypoles goes to the houses where girls have been chosen. In the street, during the parade, people sing, and the carts decorated with greenery and ribbons give colour to the village ever since the morning. The lad makes a hole into the ground with a big spike with rifle head, fixed with a sledge hammer, and then sets the pair of birches into the ground, in front of the house of the girl he has chosen. He also hangs birch branches over the gate, which will be kept there until the harvesting.

Maypoles protect people from bad things

The Maypoles and the branches which have not turned green yet are meant to protect the members of that family, but also their household and fields against bad things. At the same time, the green branches invoke fertility as well. Once the "raising" is finished, the lads go home wash and rest themselves, and then they return to the house with maypoles to get their pay. They are offered food and drinks. This custom has been modified, some moments and significations were lost, but it was also enriched. On this occasion, a parade of the folk costume is organized in Feldioara, and the brass band of the village has another occasion to animate the village. The Raisong of the Maypoles is a good opportunity for that and also on the occasion of the "maial".

History and present

"Bringing these customs and old traditions back to the foreground is a good occasion to promote the tourist potential of the area and for the sons of the village to meet again. The event was a great success and young people worked hard and got informed on the organization modality. They succeeded to do so. Another event attracting the tourists is the Festival "The Teutonic Knights return to Citadel Feldioara" or the Medieval Festival, which is organized in the first Saturday and Sunday from September. Thus, connecting history with present, summer brings back the knights and the atmosphere of the medieval fair in the setting surrounded by the ruins of the citadel," said Mr. Sorin Taus, the Mayor of commune Feldioara.


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