Tururi virtuale


Nr: 96-98
July-September 2012

Primul muzeu virtual din România, la Braşov
The first virtual museum from Romania is in Brasov
Das erste virtuelle Museum Rumäniens in Kronstadt/Braşov
Románia első virtuális múzeuma Brassóban
Festivalul "Turnirul Cetăţilor"
The "Fortresses` Tournament" Festival
Festival "Turnier der Burgen"
Középkori várak lovagi tornája
Concert nocturn aniversar extraordinar
Extraordinary nocturnal anniversary concert
Jubiläumskonzert in den Abendstunden
Évfordulós rendkívüli éjszakai hangverseny
Colegiul Áprily Lajos: 175 de ani
Aprily Lajos High School: 175 years
175 Jahre seit der Gründung des Aprily-Lajos-Lyzeums
175 éves az Áprily Lajos Főgimnázium
Codlea, vară culturală
Codlea, cultural summer
Ein Kultursommer
Feketehalmi kulturális nyár
"Bătutul arminzinilor", la Feldioara
The "Raising of the Maypole" in Feldioara
Das Maibaum-Aufstellen in Marienburg/Feldioara
Májusfaállítás Barcaföldváron
Popas la Ghimbav
Stop over in Ghimbav
Rast in Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Pihenő Vidombákon
Legendele Ţării Bârsei, la Hălchiu
The Legends of Barsa Region (Tara Barsei) in Hălchiu
Burzenländer Sagen in Heldsdorf/Hălchiu
A Barcaság legendái Höltövényben
Nedeia Munţilor, la Fundata
The Village Feast in the Mountains in Fundata
Nedeia Munţilor in Fundata
Hegyvidéki ünnep Fundátán
Staţiunea Predeal, ofertă de vară
Predeal Resort, summer offer
Das Sommerangebot in Predeal
Predeal: kínálat a nyári idényre
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vistea, Dragus, Sambata de Sus
Viştea, Drăguş, Sâmbăta de Sus
Vist, Dragus, Felsőszombatfalva
"Cântecul care zideşte"
"The Creating Song"
"Das Lied das aufbaut"
Az "építő ének"

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

"The Creating Song"



Town Victoria, Brasov County, was the host of the 8th edition of the International Festival of Beating the Semantron and Striking the Bells "The Creating Song" which was organized at Saints Constantine and Helen Church during July 9th -11th 2012. 100 children from the country and abroad participated in this event. For three days the sound of the semantron and church bells has stirred the hearts of the audience. Tourists came especially to take part in this event that is already a tradition now, being the only one of this kind in Europe.

Registered mark

Victoria has been organizing this festival since 1995. If it was just a local event at the beginning, it became nationally recognized in 2011 and went internationally in 2005. In 2007 the festival registered its trademark and it is now organized under the close attention of Priest Provost Ocavian Samdu, the initiator of this event and with the blessing of His Excellence Laurentiu Streza, Metropolitan of Ardeal.

A serious competition

"100 children, very well prepared, entered the competition. Those who participated before knew that this was not a contest where to learn how to beat the semantron. It is a serious competition and the children are very excited about it. When they hear the sound of the semantron all the children and visitors are touched with emotion. This year children from Bulgaria and Hungary, as well as from all over the country from Tulcea to Maramures participated in this contest," said Priest Octavian Smadu from Saints Constantine and Helen Church.

Semantron sound and icons

The competition followed a very organized schedule, including a costume parade marching from the centre of the town to the Church. Each participant beat the semantron or the bells, dressed in a folk costume specific to the local area from where he/she came. Besides listening the sound of the semantron and bells, those who came to listen the children also enjoyed a glass icon exhibition displayed in the church courtyard. At the end, the best contestants were rewarded prizes for each age category. The contest was organized with the support of the Town Hall of Victoria and the County Council of Brasov.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov