The first virtual museum from Romania is in Brasov
The Drapers' Tower hosts the first virtual museum from Romania. This is due to the efforts and implication of the County Council Brasov. At its inauguration, hundreds of people from Brasov wanted to test the cutting edge technology at the three floors of the tower, among which three tables and 13 multitouch easels through which a spectacular virtual tour of Brasov was done. The main attractions of the gallery are the two gigapanoramas on multitouch tables. They present Brasov seen from Tampa Hill to the smallest detail, the users being granted the possibility to explore the town just by touching the screen.
Virtual tours of Brasov
Virtual tours have been installed on the multitouch devices on the easels, suggesting the future of museums in an interesting manner: the Black Church,?the Council House, the First Romanian School, the Area of Graft Tower (După Ziduri), Scheii Brasovului, the White Tower and the Black Tower. Some of the easels and one of the multitouch tables are dedicated to children who can discover on their own images of Brasov throughout its history and another place, in the yard of the tower, where six ringing cylinders have been installed. By touching them, children will be able to release sounds, recreating the noise of the guns used for defence. Those who are passionate about history can find out things about the important people who made the history of the town, of places and main events from here.
Inaccessible images and materials
Each easel has its own audio-guide system, the user being the only one who can hear the audio explanations due to a SoundTube, an audio device in the shape of an umbrella dispersing the sound only in the area where that person is. Another feature of the project is that visitors may have access to images and materials which have not been accessible to the larger audience so far: postal cards, photos, private collection films or from the State Archives. In the future, besides the digital exhibition dedicated to Brasov from yesterday and today, the location will also host other temporary digital exhibitions: dedicated to the world Romanian art, to some important events or other virtual galleries.
The rehabilitation program
"Drapers' Tower is the last investment made through the County Council Brasov for the reconstruction of monuments, being an original construction. Inside there is a construction made of a special metal, chosen on purpose, some stainless steel rusting at the surface just to provide an old patina. I wish that many of the old photos I own may be seen here as well, in the virtual gallery. Based on them, I would like to recreate some old panoramas of the town," said Mr. Aristotel Cancescu, the President of the County Council Brasov.