Tururi virtuale


Nr: 84-86
July-September 2011

Inima românilor a bătut la unison, la Nurnberg
The heart of Romanians beat at the same time in Nurnberg
Rumänen in Nürnberg an ihre Heimat erinnert
A románság szíve együtt dobbant Nürnbergben
Bastionul Postăvarilor, redat turiştilor
Drapers' Bastion is given back to tourists
Tuchmacherbastei offen für Besucher
Látogatható a Posztósok bátyája
Zilele Codlei – Kronenfest 2011
The Days of Codlea – Kronenfest 2011
Die Zeidner Tage – Kronenfest 2011
Feketehalmi Napok – Kronenfest 2011
Zilele Dumbrăviţei, Ediţia a VI-a
The 6th Edition of the Days of Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa-Tage, die VI. Auflage
VI. Szúnyogszéki Napok
Feldioara şi Cavalerii Teutoni
Feldioara and the Teutonic Knights
Marienburg und der Deutsche Orden
Földvár és a teuton lovagok
Festivalul de aviaţie Ghimbav
The aviation festival Ghimbav
Luftmeeting bei Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Repül?sfesztivál Vidombákon
Zilele Măieruşului, Ediţia a II-a
The Days of Maierus, the 2nd edition
Die Nussbacher Tage, zweite Auflage
II. Szászmagyarósi Községnapok
Turnirul Cetăţilor
The Fortresses` Tournament
Das Turnier der Burgen
Középkori Várak Lovagi Tornája
Festivalul Ecvestru, Râşnov 2011
The Equestrian Festival, Rasnov 2011
Das Reitfestival Rosenau 2011
Lovasfesztivál, Barcarozsnyó 2011
Peter Maffay şi Centrul de Copii Roadeş
Peter Maffay and the Centre for Children Roades
Peter Maffay und das Kinderferienheim in Radeln
Peter Maffay és a rádosi Gyermekközpont
Invitaţie la Ucea
Invitation to Ucea
Einladung nach Ucea
Meghívó a községbe
Produse naturale din trandafiri
Products from natural roses
Naturprodukte aus Rosen
Rózsából fészült biotermékek

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The Fortresses` Tournament



On July 15th 2011 the Fortresses` Tournament series begun with horse shows, medieval market places, knights duels, medieval music and a show for children. This year there will be four tournaments: in Rasnov between July 15th and 17th, in Bran between August 12th and 14th, in Fagaras between August 18th and 21st, and between September 2nd and 4th the knights will take part in the Days of Feldioara, an EU-funded event. The purpose of such medieval events is to mark 800 years of history of the Teutonic Knights in Tara Barsei region. The year 2011 is considered the year of Brasov's fortresses.

Tradition and history

”These tournaments are an opportunity to promote this area and to mark the coming of the Teutonic Knights in our region. Both the Saxons and the officials from Germany, who have a common culture, are largely interested in this matter. In Brasov there are 940 monuments, of which 80% have remained from the period when the Saxons used to live in these places. Important funds have been and will be allotted by the County Board for the rehabilitation of such monuments, as well as of the fortresses of Rasnov, Feldioara, Fagaras and Rupea. The purpose is to revive the history of these fortresses,” said Mr. Aristotel Cancescu, Chairman of the Brasov County Council.

A diversified calendar

The Mayors of the tournament towns entered a partnership, including with Bran Castle, for the purpose of having a diversified calendar of events. Bran promotes the local culture and it is the only rural town taking part in this project.
“The Fortress is in the middle of a rehabilitation process; emergency restoration works will be performed here, amounting to one million euros. Despite this, the fortress` area offers good opportunities to organize a tournament and to promote the region,” said Mr. Adrian Vestea, Mayor of Rasnov town.
“These tournaments and the medieval fortresses, which are considered a gold mine, are the only events which attract a large number of tourists. The competition between fortresses adds value to Brasov's image,” said Mr. Sorin Manduc, Mayor of Fagaras town.

Medieval contests with prize awarding ceremony

”We invite you all to take part in the four tournaments of Brasov's fortresses, where you can enjoy the knights` challenges. The tourists have the chance to transform into princesses and knights and going back in time can get a real feel of those medieval times. Medieval contests awarded with great prizes will be organized and the winners will spend a romantic weekend trip for two in Sibiu or receive a basket of Sergiana meat products, enough for an entire year,” said Mr. Christian Macedonschi, Chairman of the Association for the Development of Tourism in Brasov.


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