Tururi virtuale


Nr: 84-86
July-September 2011

Inima românilor a bătut la unison, la Nurnberg
The heart of Romanians beat at the same time in Nurnberg
Rumänen in Nürnberg an ihre Heimat erinnert
A románság szíve együtt dobbant Nürnbergben
Bastionul Postăvarilor, redat turiştilor
Drapers' Bastion is given back to tourists
Tuchmacherbastei offen für Besucher
Látogatható a Posztósok bátyája
Zilele Codlei – Kronenfest 2011
The Days of Codlea – Kronenfest 2011
Die Zeidner Tage – Kronenfest 2011
Feketehalmi Napok – Kronenfest 2011
Zilele Dumbrăviţei, Ediţia a VI-a
The 6th Edition of the Days of Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa-Tage, die VI. Auflage
VI. Szúnyogszéki Napok
Feldioara şi Cavalerii Teutoni
Feldioara and the Teutonic Knights
Marienburg und der Deutsche Orden
Földvár és a teuton lovagok
Festivalul de aviaţie Ghimbav
The aviation festival Ghimbav
Luftmeeting bei Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Repül?sfesztivál Vidombákon
Zilele Măieruşului, Ediţia a II-a
The Days of Maierus, the 2nd edition
Die Nussbacher Tage, zweite Auflage
II. Szászmagyarósi Községnapok
Turnirul Cetăţilor
The Fortresses` Tournament
Das Turnier der Burgen
Középkori Várak Lovagi Tornája
Festivalul Ecvestru, Râşnov 2011
The Equestrian Festival, Rasnov 2011
Das Reitfestival Rosenau 2011
Lovasfesztivál, Barcarozsnyó 2011
Peter Maffay şi Centrul de Copii Roadeş
Peter Maffay and the Centre for Children Roades
Peter Maffay und das Kinderferienheim in Radeln
Peter Maffay és a rádosi Gyermekközpont
Invitaţie la Ucea
Invitation to Ucea
Einladung nach Ucea
Meghívó a községbe
Produse naturale din trandafiri
Products from natural roses
Naturprodukte aus Rosen
Rózsából fészült biotermékek

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The 6th Edition of the Days of Dumbrăviţa



Dumbrăviţa, formerly called Tantari, Tantariu (Schnokenderf in the Saxon dialect, Schnakendorf in German, meaning "the village of mosquitoes", Szunyogszék, Szunyogszeg in Hungarian) is a town in the county of Brasov, Transylvania, Romania. It belongs to the historical region of Tara Barsei and lies at 4 km distance from DN1 Brasov-Sibiu highway. It is Dumbrăviţa commune where the customs and traditions have remained unaltered in time, with a wide range of potential tourist attractions. It also appeals by ecumenical tourism, forest tourism and recreation.

Meeting the sons of the village

Among the customs of the year, „The Days of Dumbravita” is the most important one dedicated to the commune, now in its 6th edition. On this occasion, people march in procession starting in front of the Town Hall, cross the commune, make a large round dance in the centre and then stop at a stage set up outdoors. This holiday includes several events: meeting the sons of the village, the youth's evening and the promotion of folklore.
„The Days of Dumbravita is a good opportunity for the sons of the village to get together, after returning home to meet their relatives. This year, we celebrate the sixth edition, and as we know, this is also an occasion to celebrate the Dormition of the Mother of God feast. After the end of the mass, the people form a procession displaying their folk costumes,” said Mr. Zachiu Popa, the Mayor of Dumbravita commune.

Genuine folklore

On the Days of Dumbravita, the folk agenda is spectacular: dances and songs performed by folk groups of Teliu, Cristian and Codlea and last but not the least by the folk group Plaiurile Dumbravitei, trained by teachers Elena and Gheorghe Guseila. Top of the bill: Veta Biris and Elena Merisoreanu. The singer Marius Dragomir and the famous band „Ardelenii” performed on stage at the youth's evening. There were also performances by the fiddlers` band Cetatuia din Teliu, instrumentalist Gheorghiţă Guseila and the children from Dumbravita Middle School.

Here for more than 500 years

“We have been here for more than 500 years and we have plenty to be proud of: cultural and historical monuments, churches with centuries-old paintings, genuine traditions revived by the folk group Plaiurile Dumbravitei, lands rich in flora and fauna, fish lakes and last but not the least, hospitable people in whose farms tourists can find organic food,” concluded the Mayor by making an invitation to the next year's Days of Dumbravita when 505 years will be celebrated from the first documented mention of the town.


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