Tururi virtuale


Nr: 84-86
July-September 2011

Inima românilor a bătut la unison, la Nurnberg
The heart of Romanians beat at the same time in Nurnberg
Rumänen in Nürnberg an ihre Heimat erinnert
A románság szíve együtt dobbant Nürnbergben
Bastionul Postăvarilor, redat turiştilor
Drapers' Bastion is given back to tourists
Tuchmacherbastei offen für Besucher
Látogatható a Posztósok bátyája
Zilele Codlei – Kronenfest 2011
The Days of Codlea – Kronenfest 2011
Die Zeidner Tage – Kronenfest 2011
Feketehalmi Napok – Kronenfest 2011
Zilele Dumbrăviţei, Ediţia a VI-a
The 6th Edition of the Days of Dumbrăviţa
Dumbrăviţa-Tage, die VI. Auflage
VI. Szúnyogszéki Napok
Feldioara şi Cavalerii Teutoni
Feldioara and the Teutonic Knights
Marienburg und der Deutsche Orden
Földvár és a teuton lovagok
Festivalul de aviaţie Ghimbav
The aviation festival Ghimbav
Luftmeeting bei Weidenbach/Ghimbav
Repül?sfesztivál Vidombákon
Zilele Măieruşului, Ediţia a II-a
The Days of Maierus, the 2nd edition
Die Nussbacher Tage, zweite Auflage
II. Szászmagyarósi Községnapok
Turnirul Cetăţilor
The Fortresses` Tournament
Das Turnier der Burgen
Középkori Várak Lovagi Tornája
Festivalul Ecvestru, Râşnov 2011
The Equestrian Festival, Rasnov 2011
Das Reitfestival Rosenau 2011
Lovasfesztivál, Barcarozsnyó 2011
Peter Maffay şi Centrul de Copii Roadeş
Peter Maffay and the Centre for Children Roades
Peter Maffay und das Kinderferienheim in Radeln
Peter Maffay és a rádosi Gyermekközpont
Invitaţie la Ucea
Invitation to Ucea
Einladung nach Ucea
Meghívó a községbe
Produse naturale din trandafiri
Products from natural roses
Naturprodukte aus Rosen
Rózsából fészült biotermékek

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Peter Maffay and the Centre for Children Roades



The famous pop singer from Germany, Peter Maffay, inaugurated the Centre for Children Roades, village Bunesti, county of Brasov, through a project supported by the Romanian officials, but also by officials from Germany. The Centre operates in the former church house near the Evangelic Church. Here the children will enjoy special conditions for spending the holiday. The fact that the artist has invested in a forgotten village brings in the limelight a locality with an impressive historical past. He culturally connects the Saxons from Transylvania and their origin country, which adds value to the project.

A chance for Roades village

„Exactly 465 days ago, in this place precisely, we have laid the symbolic headstone of our project surrounded by many friends and supporters. Today, a few months later, these buildings may start the activity they were meant for. We have already hosted the first visitors, even though they had to sleep in tents. Our head-light is now up and it starts spreading out light”, declared Peter Maffay, obviously touched.
Present at the event, the Minister of Culture from Germany, Bernd Neumann, said: „There is a very strong connection between the Citadel Church and the place for children. Even though they used to be a shelter back in the old days, Peter Maffay built a shelter for the children nowadays. I am honoured to represent Germany's Federal Government to this event and I shall continue to support the restoration of the citadel-churches from Transylvania.”

Donations from the readers

We should notice that following a campaign supported by the media in Germany, 450,000 Euro have been collected from the readers, who only donated for this project.
The Mayor of village Buneşti, Mircea Pălăşan, wanted to thank Peter Maffay and the German officials for choosing Roades for this project: “I would like to thank all those who contributed to this investment and first of all to Peter Maffay, the great Romanian artist who found the time for the social project from Roades, even though his agenda is really busy. The reward for this centre is children's smile, given back by the joy of spending a vacation.”

High-level involvement

Elena Udrea, the Minister of Regional Development and Tourism, Teodor Baconschi, the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bernd Neuman, the Minister of Culture from Germany bishop Guib, the President of the County Council Brasov, Aristotel Cancescu, the Mayor of Brasov, George Scripcaru, prefect Ion Gontea, senators and deputies and artisans from the area of Rupea, who represented the Romanian and German folklore participated all in the event.


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