Tururi virtuale


Nr: 81-83
April-June 2011

Braşovul - o cetate medievală locuită
Brasov, an Inhabited Medieval Fortress
Kronstadt/Braşov - eine bewohnte mittelalterliche Burg
Brassó: lakott középkori vár
Zilele Braşovului
The Days of Brasov
Die Kronstädter Tage
Conferinţa Hotelieră din Transilvania
The Transylvanian Hotel Conference
Tagung zu Hotellerie in Transsylvanien
Erdélyi szállodák seregszemléje
Învierea şi Rusaliile la Etniile din Ţara Bârsei
The Christ's Resurrection and Pentecost Holidays celebrated by the Ethnic Groups from Tara Barsei
Ostern und Pfingsten bei den Burzenländer Ethnien
Húsvét és Pünkösd a barcasági népcsoportoknál
Purimul, moment de bucurie pentru evrei
Purim, a Moment of Joy for the Jews
Das Purim-Fest - ein Augenblick der Freude für Juden
Purim: az öröm alkalma a zsidóknál
Măgura Codlei, pe scenele lumii
Măgura Codlei, Famous around the World
Das Volkstanzensemble "Măgura Codlei"
Măgura Codlei a világ színpadain
Dumitru Sofonea - "Tezaur uman viu"
Dumitru Sofonea, a "Living Human Treasure"
Dumitru Sofonea - "Lebender Schatz"
Dumitru Sofonea: Élő örökség
Cununa Florilor, la Buneşti
"Cununa Florilor" (the crown of flowers) in Buneşti
Das Kronenfest in Bodendorf/Buneşti
Cununa Florilor Szászbudán
Barko Etelka, comoara vie
Barko Etelka, a Living Treasure
Etelka Barko
Barkó Etelka élő kincs
Sărbătoarea narciselor şi irişilor
The Celebration of Daffodils and Iris
Das Fest der Narzissen und Iris
Nárciszok és íriszek ünnepe
Târg de antichităţi
The Antiques Fair
Comorile din Turle
The Treasures in the Steeples
Die Schätze der Türme
Kincsek a toronyokban

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Barko Etelka, a Living Treasure



Brasov county managed to achieve something unique: two folk craftsmen, a Romanian and a Hungarian, were awarded the "Living Human Treasure" title by the Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony. The first title was awarded to skinner Dumitru Sofonea of commune Dragus, county of Brasov and the second to teacher Barko Etelka, aged 75, of Sacele. The second title winner uses a traditional technique for dyeing eggs with hot wax, making 150 new patterns on dyed eggs. She is highly appreciated for her entire creation, as well as for being a preserver and transmitter of traditions to future generations.

Consideration and Respect

After the team of researchers from the County Centre for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture of Brasov compiled Etelka's file, the Ministry of Culture, Cults and National Patrimony, as a reward for her entire work, awarded her the "Living Human Treasure" title for keeping cultural values alive and transmitting them to future generations. The title award ceremony took place at the Lutheran Evangelical Parish of Baciu, Sacele. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the local public administration, representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the local Hungarian folk group which performed "Fecioreasca Ceangaiasca" and a group of women wearing the genuine Hungarian costumes of Sacele.

From One Generation to Another

Despite being 75 years old, Barko Etelka is a master in the art of egg-dyeing and she still teaches this technique to the students from Sacele schools. "It was 1950 when I "stole" this egg-dyeing technique from my very own father and taught it secretly until the Revolution in 1989, when we escaped the former regime. This means that I have been dyeing eggs for 40 years now and I share this creative secret to other persons every time before Easter. Each egg has a different pattern and a different story. Love is the main ingredient I use to make a perfect pattern and then comes the knowledge acquired over the years," said Etelka when talking about this art.

The Csango Costumes

"What also amazed us at this teacher was that she did everything to keep and preserve the Csango folk costumes specific to the seven villages which form Sacele. The costumes still preserve old elements and have been improved with much more recent fabrics. Two accessories make them unique: an enormous broach and a belt which used to reveal the woman's wealth. The beams worn by these women are also representative accessories for Csango people. This costume may be admired live as Barko Etelka and her female friends will be wearing it at this event," said Mr. Adrian Valusescu, Head of the County Centre for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture of Brasov.


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