Tururi virtuale


Nr: 81-83
April-June 2011

Braşovul - o cetate medievală locuită
Brasov, an Inhabited Medieval Fortress
Kronstadt/Braşov - eine bewohnte mittelalterliche Burg
Brassó: lakott középkori vár
Zilele Braşovului
The Days of Brasov
Die Kronstädter Tage
Conferinţa Hotelieră din Transilvania
The Transylvanian Hotel Conference
Tagung zu Hotellerie in Transsylvanien
Erdélyi szállodák seregszemléje
Învierea şi Rusaliile la Etniile din Ţara Bârsei
The Christ's Resurrection and Pentecost Holidays celebrated by the Ethnic Groups from Tara Barsei
Ostern und Pfingsten bei den Burzenländer Ethnien
Húsvét és Pünkösd a barcasági népcsoportoknál
Purimul, moment de bucurie pentru evrei
Purim, a Moment of Joy for the Jews
Das Purim-Fest - ein Augenblick der Freude für Juden
Purim: az öröm alkalma a zsidóknál
Măgura Codlei, pe scenele lumii
Măgura Codlei, Famous around the World
Das Volkstanzensemble "Măgura Codlei"
Măgura Codlei a világ színpadain
Dumitru Sofonea - "Tezaur uman viu"
Dumitru Sofonea, a "Living Human Treasure"
Dumitru Sofonea - "Lebender Schatz"
Dumitru Sofonea: Élő örökség
Cununa Florilor, la Buneşti
"Cununa Florilor" (the crown of flowers) in Buneşti
Das Kronenfest in Bodendorf/Buneşti
Cununa Florilor Szászbudán
Barko Etelka, comoara vie
Barko Etelka, a Living Treasure
Etelka Barko
Barkó Etelka élő kincs
Sărbătoarea narciselor şi irişilor
The Celebration of Daffodils and Iris
Das Fest der Narzissen und Iris
Nárciszok és íriszek ünnepe
Târg de antichităţi
The Antiques Fair
Comorile din Turle
The Treasures in the Steeples
Die Schätze der Türme
Kincsek a toronyokban

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Brasov, an Inhabited Medieval Fortress



The inhabited medieval fortress of Brasov is one of the few existing medieval fortresses in Europe, whose former sites are still inhabited. The Fortress of Brasov was built between the 14th century and 17th century and it is considered to be one of most powerful in Transylvania. It still preservers its numerous relics which, after the restoration works from the last years, have become a big attraction. These include: the Skinners` Bastion, the Drapers` Bastion, the Weavers` Bastion - the Fortress Museum Brasov; the Ropers` Bastion; the Black Church; the City Hall Square - the County History Museum; the White Tower; the Black Tower; the Butchers` Tower; the Graft Bastion - fortified bridge over the Graft spring; Ecaterina`s Gate; the Fortress; the Blacksmiths`s Bastion; Museum "Casa Muresenilor".

The Medieval Atmosphere of Brasov City

The County Council of Brasov carried out a project by which the city's medieval atmosphere was revived to attract as many tourists as possible. Therefore, the walls of the Fortress, as well the towers and bastions and some of the city's patrimony buildings were rehabilitated. In addition, the "Military Traditions of Brasov" project included the presentation of a historical reconstruction of the periods which marked our city's military tradition: the Teutonic knights (beginning of the 13th century), the soldiers from the Prime Judge Michael Weiss` period (beginning of the 16th century) and the Habsburg garrison from the Napoleonic wars` period.

The Teutonic Knights

The military traditions of Brasov and those of the "Juni" (young men) groups from Brasov - Schei neighbourhood, overlapped during the parade of the Juni through the Brasov Fortress, on the first Sunday after the Easter's Holiday, called "the Sunday of Thomas". The Teutonic knights, the soldiers from the age of the Prime Judge Michael Weiss and the militaries of the Habsburg garrison from the beginning of the 19th century, they all greeted the arrival of Juni in the City Hall Square. This moment was announced by cannon shots fired from the White Tower and tunes specific to Brasov ethnic groups, the Romanians, the Hungarians and the Saxons, played by medieval trumpet players in the City Hall building tower.
According to the event agenda of the County Council Brasov, the Changing of Medieval Guards in the sound of trumpets took place every day at 6 P.M. in the City Hall Square. People could watch this ceremony during the weekend between 12 P.M. and 6 P.M. Tourists were welcomed to live through the medieval atmosphere of Brasov City.

A Unique History

"Brasov is located in the heart of Romania, revealing a unique mysterious history, full of priceless architectural works, still preserving an exceptional cultural patrimony. Attested in documents in 1235, Brasov is currently a modern city from the 21st century, which brings old and new things together in the most natural and attractive way possible. At the same time, it is among the favourite destinations of all tourists who may find here breathtaking panoramas, medieval buildings, cultural institutions and the chance to take part in cultural events all along the year," said Mr. Aristotel Cancescu, President of the County Council of Brasov.


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