Tururi virtuale


Nr: 75-77
October-December 2010

Clopotul din Casa Sfatului va anunţa Anul Nou
The Bell of the Council Tower will announce the New Year?s Day
Die Glocke im Rathausturm wird das Neue Jahr ankünden
A Tanácsház harangja köszönti az újévet
Festivalul Medieval ?Turnirul Cetăţilor?
The Medieval Festival ?Tournament of Citadels?
DasMittelalterfestival ?Turnier der Burgen?
Várak lovagi tornája, középkori fesztivál
Sărbătoarea Crăciunului
Christmas holiday
Das Weihnachtsfest
Karácsony ünnepe
Coregrafie specială în Ansamblul Măgura Codlea
Special Choreography for the Folk Group ?Magura Codlea?
Sonderchoreographie beim Măgura-Ensemble
Rendkívüli koreográfia a Măgura Codlea Együttesnél
Pregătirea Crăciunului la Cristian
Preparing for Christmas Day in Cristian
Weihnachtsvorbereitungen in Neustadt
Karácsonyi előkészületek Keresztényfalván
Sărbători la Dumbrăviţa
Holidays celebrated in Dumbravita
Feste in Dumbrăviţa
Ünnep Szúnyogszéken
Tragedia umanităţii
The Tragedy of Humanity
Gedenken an den Holocaust
Az emberiség tragédiája
Ceata de feciori din Ţara Făgăraşului
The Men?s Group from the region of Tara Fagarasului
Die Burschenscharen im Fogarascher Land
Legénycsapat Fogarasföldön
TransilvAero Show 2010, ediţia a III-a
The 3rd Edition of TransilvAero Show 2010
Dritte Auflage der TransilvAero Show
TransilvAero Show 2010., harmadik kiadás
Vacanţă la Moieciu
Holiday in Moieciu
Ferien in Moieciu
Üdülés Moécsen
Predealul ? o destinaţie excelentă
Predeal ? an excellent destination
Ein besonderes Reiseziel
Predeal ? egy nagyszerű úticél
Festivalul Floare de Colţ
The Edelweiss Festival
Das Festival Edelwei?
Havasi gyopár fesztivál

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

The Tragedy of Humanity



The Jewish community from Brasov together with the County Board of Education organized the Holocaust commemorating event in October, which became a tradition. The guests included the representatives of cults from Brasov, the representatives of political parties and representatives of organizations from different social layers living in peace in the town at the bottom of Tampa Hill.
The President of the Jewish Community from Brasov, Mr. Tiberiu Roth, made a brief presentation of the time when atrocities against Jewish, deportations and issue of racist laws began in Romania.

The Biggest Tragedy

In their speeches, the representatives of the Jewish organizations said that we must not forget the Holocaust and commemorate this important tragedy like a human drama that should never become the goal of anyone. The purpose of the event was to commemorate the Jewish and the Romani people who were killed under Antonescu governance, a lesson to be taught at international level. The delivered messages sounded like that: ?There are a lot of reasons forcing us not to wipe out the memory of the Holocaust?, ?More than 21,000 non-Jewish people risked their lives to protect the Jewish from Europe and answered God?s call?, ?Indifference kills?, ?The Holocaust would have never happened if it was not for the nations` indifference?, ?Take the threats of dictators and tyrants seriously, such as Hitler, against whom mankind did nothing to stop? and other messages alike.

The Hysteria of the Nazzi

?I am part of the German community. It is a well known fact that the hysteria of the Nazzi has also invaded the Saxons from Brasov 70 years ago. They were instigated against the Jewish from Brasov and I regret it. Nowadays the Evangelic (Black) Church should do more for this community and I want to say that, together with the people of this town, being of different confessions and ethnic groups, we are all living under the same sun, in pace and understanding, advising people to love each other,? said Mr. Cristian Pajer, representative of the Evangelic Church from Brasov.

The National Home

The fact that Jewish are united by their destiny became a reality on this occasion. Those who survived the Holocaust withdrew and established the state of Israel ? the National Home. Professor Vasile Olteanu, Manager of the First Romanian School Museum from the Schei neighborhood of Brasov, said: ?Not a long time ago, in the archives of the Schei neighborhood we have found a paper written in Greek consisting of 164 pictures known by the pupils from the First Romanian School. I promise you that I will publish this document so that you can read it. I want to remind you that the History of Israel, comprising four volumes, was taught at this school in 1814. The documents from Brasov certify that here were Jewish people who were not allowed to enter the Fortress. They must have lived in the Schei neighborhood?.


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