The Birch Trees` Holiday from Cristian
Cristian (called Noscht, Nâer?t in the Saxon dialect, Neustadt, Neustadt in Burzenland in German and Keresztényfalva in Hungarian) is a village from Transylvania, 9 km from the town of Brasov, on the way to Bran (National Highway 73). The village includes Cristian and it is bordered by Ghimbav to the north, by Brasov town to the east and by Rasnov town to the south and west.
After 15 years
?Last year, in 2009, a group of young people from Cristian managed to revive a 15-year old tradition. This tradition is also known as the Pentecost Maial, a feast in the field taken over from the Saxons. On this occasion birch trees are hung on the gates of the girls who are not yet married. Maial ends with the Birch Trees` Ball very much appreciated by the young locals,? said Mr. Serafim Dragos, Mayor of Cristian village.
Invitation to the ball
The young people from Cristian found out the meaning of this custom from the elderly and put it in practice as soon as possible. The local boys, dressed in folk costumes, gathered and made up the group of Zoritori. One day before the ball they went and hang a birch branch to each unmarried girl?s house, as an official invitation to the ball. At the ball the girls were presented to the entire community and the most beautiful of them was chosen to be the Princess of the Ball. According to the tradition, the girls have one year until the next ball to find a husband. The revived custom was mainly organized by the young locals with the support of the Town Hall.
The Arminden?s Holiday
The day dedicated to the God of Vegetation, protector of cattle, horses, crops, vineyards and orchards is called Arminden in Transylvania and it is celebrated until 23rd of April, on Saint George?s Day. This holiday continues to exist in several towns from the county of Brasov, known under the name of Arminden, and in others, such as Cristian, the Birch Trees` Holiday and it takes place each year on Pentecost Day.