Tururi virtuale


Nr: 69-71
April-June 2010

Diaconia Neuendettelsau, la Braşov
Neuendettelsau Deaconry in Braşov
Diakonie Neuendettelsau in Kronstadt/Braşov
A Neuendettelsau Diakónia Brassóban
Turnirul Cavalerilor, ediţia a IV-a
Knights` Tournament, 4th edition
Die IV. Auflage des Ritter-Turniers
Lovagok tornája, IV. Kiadás
?Coprinele? din Poiana Narciselor
?Coprinele? from Poiana Narciselor (Daffodil Glade)
Die ?Coprine? in der Narzissenwiese
A Nárciszrét
?Paşti la Castel?
?Easter at the Castle?
?Ostern im Schloss?
Húsvét a kastélyban
Concerte de fanfară, pe aleea de sub Tâmpa
Brass band concerts on the parkway at the bottom of Mount Tampa
Blasmusik unter der Zinne
Fúvószene a Cenk alatti sétányon
PREDEAL ? Trasee de căţărare
PREDEAL ? Climbing itineraries
Predeal - Klettern zur Auswahl
PREDEÁL ? sziklamászó útvonalak
?Dezvoltarea locală - cu şi pentru noi?
?Local Development With and For Us?
?Örtliche Entwicklung ? mit und für uns?
Településfejlesztés ? velünk és értünk
Festival la Casa Ceangăiască
Festival at the Csango House
Das Festival beim Tschango-Haus
Fesztivál a Csángó Házban
Sărbătorile Codlei
Feast Days in Codlea
Die Zeidner Feste
Feketehalomi ünnepek
Terapie cultural-istorică la Buneşti
Cultural and Historical Therapy in Bunesti
Kulturhistorisches Ambiente in Buneşti/Bodendorf
Kulturális-történelmi terápia Szászbunán
Cavalerii teutoni, ostaşii lui Michael Weiss şi garnizoana habsburgică
The Teutonic Knights, the soldiers of Michael Weiss and the Habsburg garrison
Ritterorden, Michael Weiss` Krieger und Habsburger Soldaten
A VII-a ediţie cu prietenii cărţilor
A meeting of books` friends at the 7th edition
Die siebente Auflage
A VII. akalom a könyv barátaival

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Feast Days in Codlea



Codlea town, also called Zeöedăn, Zuidn, Tsâdn in the Saxon dialect, Zeiden, Schwarzberg, Schwarzhügel in German and Feketehalom, Feketehegy in Hungarian, is situated in the county of Brasov, the region Transylvania, Romania. Several cultural events are organized here during May-June. Romanians, Hungarians, Germans and Romani participate to such events, each of them bringing their own contribution to the development of multiculturalism. These events include the Ascension of Jesus ? Heroes` Day, Children?s Day on June 1st and The Days of Codlea ?Kronenfest? on June 18th-20th.
Heroes` Day
?The City Hall and the Local Council of Codlea support cultural actions and allot significant funds to organize such events. At the same time the Culture Centre of Codlea has allotted a budget intended to ensure the organization and carrying out of these events. This year, Heroes` Day will be celebrated with great pomp, will gather a lot of guests and will also include a prize award ceremony dedicated to war veterans. One of these is Misu Barbulescu, aged 87, a hero of this town?, said Mr. Alexandru Popa, Mayor of Codlea town. The Heroes` Day also includes commemorative events in the memory of those who paid with their lives for the country.
June 1st, Children?s Day
On the International Children?s Day, the City Hall in partnership with the Culture Centre of Codlea organizes an outdoor show. The purpose of this show is to develop children?s creativity, their sense of criticism and self-criticism, to support talents, to develop team work skills, the sense of competition, as well as to assess and pay for the children?s efforts. Pavement drawing contests and activities involving children?s races are being organized. The atmosphere is maintained vivid by folk and modern dancing, voice singing and sketches.
?Kronenfest?, The Crown?s Festival
The Crown?s Festival (?Kronenfest?) is the most important event that takes place in Codlea. The entire local community, guests and many folk groups participate into this event. This custom is organized during summertime and it was passed on from the Saxons. Nowadays it has cultural influences from the ethnic groups and keeps being celebrated by the current population. The tradition is a celebration of flowers and rich vegetation telling about the thriving soil. The climax of the festival is the mast raising moment and the snail dance. This holiday belongs to the customs regularly organized during the year and symbolizes a period of transition, the succession of seasons, from spring to summer. The purpose is to preserve local traditions, turn them into account and pass them on to the younger generations.


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