Tururi virtuale


Nr: 69-71
April-June 2010

Diaconia Neuendettelsau, la Braşov
Neuendettelsau Deaconry in Braşov
Diakonie Neuendettelsau in Kronstadt/Braşov
A Neuendettelsau Diakónia Brassóban
Turnirul Cavalerilor, ediţia a IV-a
Knights` Tournament, 4th edition
Die IV. Auflage des Ritter-Turniers
Lovagok tornája, IV. Kiadás
?Coprinele? din Poiana Narciselor
?Coprinele? from Poiana Narciselor (Daffodil Glade)
Die ?Coprine? in der Narzissenwiese
A Nárciszrét
?Paşti la Castel?
?Easter at the Castle?
?Ostern im Schloss?
Húsvét a kastélyban
Concerte de fanfară, pe aleea de sub Tâmpa
Brass band concerts on the parkway at the bottom of Mount Tampa
Blasmusik unter der Zinne
Fúvószene a Cenk alatti sétányon
PREDEAL ? Trasee de căţărare
PREDEAL ? Climbing itineraries
Predeal - Klettern zur Auswahl
PREDEÁL ? sziklamászó útvonalak
?Dezvoltarea locală - cu şi pentru noi?
?Local Development With and For Us?
?Örtliche Entwicklung ? mit und für uns?
Településfejlesztés ? velünk és értünk
Festival la Casa Ceangăiască
Festival at the Csango House
Das Festival beim Tschango-Haus
Fesztivál a Csángó Házban
Sărbătorile Codlei
Feast Days in Codlea
Die Zeidner Feste
Feketehalomi ünnepek
Terapie cultural-istorică la Buneşti
Cultural and Historical Therapy in Bunesti
Kulturhistorisches Ambiente in Buneşti/Bodendorf
Kulturális-történelmi terápia Szászbunán
Cavalerii teutoni, ostaşii lui Michael Weiss şi garnizoana habsburgică
The Teutonic Knights, the soldiers of Michael Weiss and the Habsburg garrison
Ritterorden, Michael Weiss` Krieger und Habsburger Soldaten
A VII-a ediţie cu prietenii cărţilor
A meeting of books` friends at the 7th edition
Die siebente Auflage
A VII. akalom a könyv barátaival

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

?Easter at the Castle?



From March 24th to April 15th, a national exhibition called ?Easter at the Castle? was organized at the famous Bran Castle known worldwide as Dracula?s Castle. It displayed icons and naive art, painted eggs and traditional pastries. The organizer of this event was the National Center for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture in partnership with Bran Castle, County Centers for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture from Brasov and Iasi.

Icons and naive art
The icons and naive art exhibition offered to the public a selection of some of the most valuable pieces of work belonging to famous contemporary authors. They came from all over the country to meet here, in Bran. This way artists coming from Alba Iulia, Bucuresti, Cluj, Damboviţa, Galati, Iasi, Maramures, Teleorman, Vrancea, as well as the middle school students from Chitila School, the Arts School from Bucharest and Carpati Parish from Brasov, could exhibit their works here. The exhibition also included some works of the most famous contemporary naive artists.
Christian spirit
The exhibition from Bran Castle also included an exhibition of Easter painted eggs from emblematic ethnographic regions from the counties of Brasov and Iasi. At the same time, two pastry men from Bran (Brasov) and Podu Ilioaiei (Iasi) exhibited Easter traditional food: pound cakes, knot-shaped bread, special Easter cake ? Pasca, pretzels and other tasty food.
On the occasion of this event people had the opportunity to admire the essence of the Christian spirit reflected in icons, representing the most important moments from the Holy Week and the Bright Week before and after Easter Day.

Eggs and masks
The exposition ?Easter at the Castle? is the second event organized at Bran Castle, after the Masks exhibition from December. This first event confirmed the belief that this location was suited for the organization of this kind of events, by combining history with traditions fostered by folk tradesmen.
The glass and wood icons, the art naive works and traditional pastries with ritualistic motives, the painted eggs and the works of folk artists from all the regions of the country, gathered numerous people, but also collectors of souvenir.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov