?Coprinele? from Poiana Narciselor (Daffodil Glade)
The Holiday of Daffodils takes place at less then 60 km from Brasov, in Sercaia, Vad village. Here is the natural reserve ?Dumbrava Vadului?, usually called ?Poiana Narciselor?. Here you can find plenty of daffodils left free to grow in all their splendor, Transylvanian traditions and good food. All that can be admired and tasted if you go to the Holiday of Daffodils.
The only reserve in Europe
This wonderful place is the only natural reserve of this kind in Europe, with a surface of more than 300 hectares, with even 150 flowers per square meter in some places. The young people celebrate this holiday by wearing folk costumes while walking to this place. By participating in this Festival they get the opportunity to highlight the beauty of dances, songs, folk costumes and traditions of this region. Famous folk groups participate in this event. Each year, the Holiday of Daffodils from Vad takes place on the eve of Saints Constantine and Helen?s Day. This event marks the opening of daffodils blooming period in this glade situated near Vad.
The locals have passed on from father to son this Holiday of Daffodils which has a special meaning. Dumbrava Vadului represents a priceless heritage for them. The sons of the village go back in time remembering their grandparents` village and yearning for Poiana Narciselor on the skirts of the village. This is why on Saints Constantine and Helen?s Day they return home to watch together with the entire community the blooming of beautiful ?coprine?, as daffodils are called here. It is a place of rare beauty, which still has not lost its charm.
Natural monument
?The natural reserve Dumbrava Vadului is famous in Romania and it became a natural monument in 1967. The flowers here do not require special care, but instead the entire reserve needs maintaining and guarding. Each year, the Festival of Daffodils from Vad is marked by a special artistic show organized for all the tourists who come here especially for the opening of daffodils blooming period. The show is a combination of folk songs and dances, folk costumes and nature, so that tourists can enjoy a picturesque atmosphere here in the glade near Vad?, said Mr. Cristinel Paltin, Mayor of Sercaia.