Tururi virtuale


Nr: 63-65
October-December 2009

Festivalul ?Fulg de Nea?
The ?Snow Flake? Festival
Das Festival ?Schneeflocke?
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Urbane a Braşovului, deschis publicului larg
The City Civilisation Museum from Brasov - open for the public
Das Museum für städtische Zivilisation Kronstadt/Brasov
A Brassó Városi Civilizáció Múzeuma megnyílt a nagyközönség számára is
Micul OktoberFest
The Little Oktoberfest
Das Mini-Oktoberfest
A kis Oktoberfest
Zoritorii din Cristian
?Zoritorii? from Cristian
Die Weihnachtssänger von Neustadt
Keresztényfalvi hajnalozók
Zilele Hălchiului
The Feast Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövény napjai
Sărbătoarea ?Mărul Dulce?
The ?Sweet Apple? Holiday
Das Fest des ?Sü?en Apfels?
Az Édes Alma ünnepe
Ghimbavul istoric şi modern
Ghimbav: History and Modernity
Weidenbach von einst und heute
A történelmi és a modern Vidombák
Festivalul istoric ?În numele tandafirului"
The historic festival ?The Name of the Rose"
Das historische Festival ?Im Namen der Rose?
Történelmi fesztivál: A rózsa nevében
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Festival
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Fest
Festivalul Oierilor şi Răvăşitul Oilor
Shepherds? Festival and Sheep Scattering
Das Schafhalter-Festival und der Schaf-Abtrieb
A juhászok ünnepe
Competiţii la Predeal
Competitions in Predeal
Wettkämpfe in Predeal
Predeáli versenyek
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreieşti
The European Day of Jewish Culture
Der Europa-Tag der jüdischen Kultur
A zsidó kultúra európai napja
Acupunctura Zhendao

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Ghimbav: History and Modernity



The city of Ghimbav, called Wedjebich, Vedjembiχ in the Saxon dialect, Weidenbach, Wiedenbach in German or Vidombák in Hungarian, is located in the county of Brasov, Transylvania, Romania, which combines the history of a modern city with the traditions and customs transmitted from father to son until nowadays. Today investments have been made in the road infrastructure of the town, but also in its cultural infrastructure, starting by restoration of the Saxon houses? facades and finishing with the Fortress and the old promenade. As the Christmas holidays are close, the town waits for its visitors with a wide range of multicultural activities, Saxon and Romanian customs, special traditions and local cuisine.

The land of the Saxons

Ghimbav was first mentioned in 1342 and from 1422 it has belonged to the land of the Saxons, as the entire region of Barsa. For many centuries most of the inhabitants were Saxons. Along the years Ghimbav has been seriously damaged several times, but each time it resisted the invasions. Today the Saxon fortified church ?Saint Peter? can be admired in its entire splendour as it has been well preserved. A meeting was organised here with the Saxons settled in Germany who enjoyed seeing again their native places.
Close to the Fortress walls, the City Hall builds-up the Christmas tree and the entire fortress area is lighted in the spirit of holidays. Both the Saxons and the Romanians go to church to attend Jesus Christ?s Birth mass and then have dinner with their families, eating traditional food.

Round-shaped fortification

?The evangelical church is surrounded by massive walls and it is a round-shape fortification. In the past it had a mobile bridge which was lifted when attackers came. The high fortress walls have been well preserved and today they can be admired in their entire splendour. To make them look even better, lamp posts were installed near the walls, a little park was arranged and the fortress representative historical elements were revaluated. I would like to mention that in 1876 the City Hall of Ghimbav was built on the place of the entry tower in the fortress,? says Mr. Toda Dorel, Mayor of Ghimbav town.

The Golden Roof Church

This year, a new orthodox church was inaugurated in Ghimbav situated on the road to Cristian. Special measures have been taken to build this church concerning both the indoor painting, the icons, the sanctuary and the church spires. The church has been inaugurated with great pomp and consecration masses have been organised for 40 days. Due to the gilded spires it is a unique place of its kind in Romania.


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