Tururi virtuale


Nr: 63-65
October-December 2009

Festivalul ?Fulg de Nea?
The ?Snow Flake? Festival
Das Festival ?Schneeflocke?
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Urbane a Braşovului, deschis publicului larg
The City Civilisation Museum from Brasov - open for the public
Das Museum für städtische Zivilisation Kronstadt/Brasov
A Brassó Városi Civilizáció Múzeuma megnyílt a nagyközönség számára is
Micul OktoberFest
The Little Oktoberfest
Das Mini-Oktoberfest
A kis Oktoberfest
Zoritorii din Cristian
?Zoritorii? from Cristian
Die Weihnachtssänger von Neustadt
Keresztényfalvi hajnalozók
Zilele Hălchiului
The Feast Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövény napjai
Sărbătoarea ?Mărul Dulce?
The ?Sweet Apple? Holiday
Das Fest des ?Sü?en Apfels?
Az Édes Alma ünnepe
Ghimbavul istoric şi modern
Ghimbav: History and Modernity
Weidenbach von einst und heute
A történelmi és a modern Vidombák
Festivalul istoric ?În numele tandafirului"
The historic festival ?The Name of the Rose"
Das historische Festival ?Im Namen der Rose?
Történelmi fesztivál: A rózsa nevében
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Festival
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Fest
Festivalul Oierilor şi Răvăşitul Oilor
Shepherds? Festival and Sheep Scattering
Das Schafhalter-Festival und der Schaf-Abtrieb
A juhászok ünnepe
Competiţii la Predeal
Competitions in Predeal
Wettkämpfe in Predeal
Predeáli versenyek
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreieşti
The European Day of Jewish Culture
Der Europa-Tag der jüdischen Kultur
A zsidó kultúra európai napja
Acupunctura Zhendao

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?Zoritorii? from Cristian



There are several cultural events taking place in the village of Cristian from Brasov County, which are performed both by the local people and by German ethnic population. Among these cultural events the most important is the Group of ?Zoritori? whose characteristic is that the bailiff is elected only once in a life time. The German dance band created ever since 1964 and the folk dance group ?Tara Barsei? founded in 1993 by choreographer Albrecht Klein to continue the Saxons? traditions from Transylvania, also play an important role. The band has participated in many shows in Romania and abroad. It consists now of 18 pairs, high school students and graduates from Johannes Honterus High School, coming from Cristian, Codlea, Sanpetru, Ghimbav, Bod and Rasnov.

The Feast Days of Cristian

The event which reunites both the Romanian and German traditional cultures is known as the Feast Days of Cristian. It is the Feast Day of Wealth, but also the day of Romanian and German cultural events: brass band, folk music band, folk dances performed by the Middle School students from Cristian, the dances of ?Zoritori?, light and party music, minced meat rolls, beer and fireworks.

The Birch Trees Ball

In 2009 the first edition of the Birch Trees Holiday took place in Cristian which ended with the proper birch tree ceremony when the boys go to single girls? houses and put birch trees at their front doors. The ball is very exciting because the most beautiful girl in the town is chosen as the ?Princess of the Ball?.

The Announcement of Christ?s Birth

On December 6th the Group of ?Zoritori? from Cristian meet to elect another bailiff. ?The bailiff is elected only once in a life time for one year. In the evening of Saint Nicholas? Day the boys gather and go to the priest to sing specific carols for Cristian town. On Christmas, for three days, the Group of ?Zoritori? go to each house to announce the Christ?s Birth. The locals let the gates open and welcome them with wine, pound cake and some money. The money collected will be used to organise the ?Zoritori? Ball that takes place in the second week after the New Year?s Eve.? says the current bailiff, Lucian Forfota.
The Mayor of Cristian, Mr. Serafim Dragos, said that the City Hall and the Local Council have supported these cultural activities and allotted funds to promote and maintain their identities. For those who want to spend unique holidays, Cristian can offer a variety of activities through the Evangelical Church and the Group of ?Zoritori?.


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