Tururi virtuale


Nr: 63-65
October-December 2009

Festivalul ?Fulg de Nea?
The ?Snow Flake? Festival
Das Festival ?Schneeflocke?
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Urbane a Braşovului, deschis publicului larg
The City Civilisation Museum from Brasov - open for the public
Das Museum für städtische Zivilisation Kronstadt/Brasov
A Brassó Városi Civilizáció Múzeuma megnyílt a nagyközönség számára is
Micul OktoberFest
The Little Oktoberfest
Das Mini-Oktoberfest
A kis Oktoberfest
Zoritorii din Cristian
?Zoritorii? from Cristian
Die Weihnachtssänger von Neustadt
Keresztényfalvi hajnalozók
Zilele Hălchiului
The Feast Days of Halchiu
Die Heldsdorfer Tage
Höltövény napjai
Sărbătoarea ?Mărul Dulce?
The ?Sweet Apple? Holiday
Das Fest des ?Sü?en Apfels?
Az Édes Alma ünnepe
Ghimbavul istoric şi modern
Ghimbav: History and Modernity
Weidenbach von einst und heute
A történelmi és a modern Vidombák
Festivalul istoric ?În numele tandafirului"
The historic festival ?The Name of the Rose"
Das historische Festival ?Im Namen der Rose?
Történelmi fesztivál: A rózsa nevében
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Festival
Bran Castle Fest
Bran Castle Fest
Festivalul Oierilor şi Răvăşitul Oilor
Shepherds? Festival and Sheep Scattering
Das Schafhalter-Festival und der Schaf-Abtrieb
A juhászok ünnepe
Competiţii la Predeal
Competitions in Predeal
Wettkämpfe in Predeal
Predeáli versenyek
Ziua Europeană a Culturii Evreieşti
The European Day of Jewish Culture
Der Europa-Tag der jüdischen Kultur
A zsidó kultúra európai napja
Acupunctura Zhendao

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The Little Oktoberfest


The German Economic Club has organised in Brasov the first edition of the Oktoberfest Festival on the arena of the sports club Olimpia and the Weavers? Bastion. The event has attracted a lot of Romanian and foreign tourists who came especially to spend three days listening to the German band Wirbelwind and to watch breaking the beer barrel which was the opening moment of the Little Oktoberfest. The Festival organisers offered a motor scooter sponsored by Reinert as the biggest prize to the person who would stay the longest at the party.

A different kind of festival

For three days Brasov has been closer to the German culture. The party opened on Friday in the presence of certain guests from Nurnberg and delegations of Sibiu Consulate, the Swiss Embassy and the Austrian Consulate. The members of Wirbelwind band have been invited to sing in order to heat the party.
During the entire event cuisine specialties stands have been organised and the public enjoyed the beer, sausages, minced meat rolls and unique games.
The participants could thus enjoy a different kind of festival, as only the Romanians who took part in similar events abroad have seen.

Bavarian atmosphere

But the biggest attraction of the Oktoberfest was the mechanical bull where hundreds of locals tried their luck or, better say, their skills. Even the children were excited to see the funny bull. The Bavarian dances and the beer competitions have attracted a lot of competitors. The German music has stirred the public, turning everything into a big party, followed by the performance of the music bands Holograf and Directia 5.
Even the organisers had a special presence, the men being dressed in short traditional leather trousers and the women in the beautiful German costume. The atmosphere in Brasov was similar to the one in Germany. ?In the first evening it was beautiful. People sang and the party lasted till late at night. It felt like Nurnberg. We are glad that we could organise such an event in Brasov, ? said Braun Werner, President of the German Economic Club.

The Dracula Festival

Mr. Dragos Craciun, councilman in the Local Council, reminded that in the near future the Christmas Fair will be organised in Nurnberg where Brasov shall be also represented by a tourist information centre. In the shortest time two tourist information centres will be opened in Brasov and Nurnberg. It has been established that the County Council budget for 2010 will consider a Dracula symposium having historians from Europe as guests. If there was a lot of beer pouring at Oktoberfest, we expect a lot of blood shedding at the Dracula Festival.


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