Tururi virtuale


Nr: 56-57
March-April 2009

Baba Dochia
The old Dochia
Noul brand turistic al judeţului Braşov
Echipă nouă la Prefectură
New Prefecture’s Team
Nouvelle équipe à la Préfecture
Nuova squadra alla Prefettura
Braşovul, oraşul lui Kronos
Town of Cronus
Ville de Chronos
Strigarea peste sat la Şinca Nouă
The Wheel on Fire
La roue en flammes
La Ruota in fiamme
Prejmer: Clătita din căruţă
The Pancakes Festival
Le Festival des Crêpes
Il Festival delle Crêpe
Balul Dragobetelui, la Zizin
Dragobete’s Ball
Le Bal de Dragobete
Il Ballo di Dragobete
Balul Mărţişorului, la Codlea
The March Amulet Ball
Le Bal du printemps
Il Ballo della primavera
Alaiul măştilor la Budila
The Masks Tail
Le Cortège des Masques
Il corteo delle maschere
Şezătoare la Dumbrăviţa
The Gathering
La Réunion
La Veglia
Predealul, pentru turiştii îndrăgostiţi
Predeal in Love
Predeal amoureux
Predeal innamorato
Păpuşile dansatoare din Vama Buzăului
Dancing Dolls
Les Poupées Danseuses
Le Bombole danzatrici
Zâna Măseluţă, la Teliu
The Tooth Fairy
La petite souris
La Fatina
Oul Pascal
The Paschal Egg
L’Oeuf Pascal
L’Uovo Pasquale
Hristos a Înviat!
The Resurrection

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Town of Cronus



According to several historical versions, Brasov exists since the Getodacians times, on the exact location of Schei area, the oldest patrimonial district of the town. They say the old name of Brasov – Kronstadt - comes from Cronus – the God of Time. At that time, people used to build altars, temples and oracles on the heights in honour of the god they were worshipping. The altars were called „God’s Chairs”.

Geto-Dacian Schei

Mount Tampa seems to have such an altar; its name could come from „tempus- temporis” which means Cronus. The altar of Tampa, discovered by Saxon researchers, and the bones’ fountain, testify that there were once practiced pagan rituals. On Tampa they found a citadel built on the ruins of an ancient Dacian fortress. The doors of the houses of the people of Schei are marked with ancient symbols such as the sun and the snake, symbol of the Geto-Dacian god Zamolxis. In Schei, Junii are the keepers of an immemorial tradition.

Junii of Brasov

Many historians have confirmed the Getodacian origin of the Juni’s groups. The Juni’sclothing is unique, it is rich in gold and silver and includes items such as vines, grapes, oak leaves and acorns, symbols of Zeus and Dionysus. Juni’s horses, arranged in a circle, are decorated from left to right, symbolizing the circular time of Cronus. The Juni called Albiori are identified by their white shirts, known to be worn only by insiders in the pagan mysteries. All their traditions are vestiges of rites of initiation. All their groups have unique signs – the clothes and the flags. The costumes were transmitted across the generations and carry a lot of mystery.

Sacred Stones

In the area there are the Solomon's Stones, two high rocks resembling the two shoulders of a natural fortress. The spot called "La Chetre" hosts the Juni’s parties, Uranian remnants of an ancestral ritual. Here, at the Stones of the Wise, Saxon found some walls that would confirm the presence of a Geto-Dacian temple. Here there is also a cave hosting the remains of a stone carved in the shape of a lion.

At the Crossroads

In the Antiquity, Brasov fortress had strategic and economic importance, being situated at the crossroads of two ancient roads. The Teutonic Knights were translated into German „The Time Fortress" or "The Fortress of Cronus” as Kronstadt. There is also another version according to which Kron name comes from the word "crown".


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