Tururi virtuale


Nr: 50-51
September-October 2008

Judeţul Braşov implicat în sport
Sport in Brasov County
Sport dans le département
Sport nella Provincia
Instituţia Prefectului promovează cultura şi religia
Traditions and Customs
Traditions et Coutumes
Tradizioni e costumi
Satul lui Augustin
Augustin?s Village
Le Village d?Augustin
IL Villaggio d?Agostino
Zilele Codlei - Kronenfest
Codlea?s Days
Les Jours de Codlea
I Giorni di Codlea
Zillele Dumbrăviţei
Dumbravita?s Days
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I Giorni di Dumbravita
Zilele Cetăţii Făgăraşului
Fagaras Citadel?s Days
Les Jours de la Citadelle
I Giorni della Cittadella
Hălmeagul şi bustul Împărătesei Sziszi
The Village and the Empress
Le village et l?impératrice
Il villaggio e l?imperatrice
Istorie şi tradiţie la Ormeniş
Ormenis Days
Les Jours de Ormenis
I Giorni di Ormenis
Biserica sub formă de cruce
St. Peter and Paul Church
L?Eglise St. Pierre et Paul
La Chiesa Pietro e Paolo
Predeal 2008: ?Enescu şi muzica lumii?
Enescu and the World?s Music
Enescu et la Musique du Monde
Enescu e la Musica del Mondo
Restaurantul ?Casa Pădurarului?
The ?Forester?s House? Restaurant
La Maison du Garde-chasse
La Casa del Guardaboschi
Icoanele pictorului Ovidiu Marian
Icons on Wood
Icônes sur bois
Icone su legno
“Cerbul de Aur” – 40 de ani de existenţă
The Golden Stag
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Il cervo d'oro

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The Village and the Empress



The village Halmeag (Halmagen in German, Halmágy in Hungarian) is part of Sercaia commune, located in the heart of Transylvania. It is crossed by the road which connects Bucharest to the European cultural capital of Sibiu. The yard of the Evangelical Lutheran Church hosts the bust of Empress Sissy, escaped by a miracle in the old regime. Their connections with the Empress make the inhabitants proud of their special history.

Inhabitants? Proud
The church was attested in 1211; it was Roman Catholic until 1542, when the great humanist and reformer Johannes Honterus changed its religion by an edict. There are today 150 Lutheran parishioner, from a population of 500 inhabitants, most of whom Hungarian ethnics. The inhabitants are very proud of their church which architecture is unique and does not resemble the other churches.

The Pulpit and the Swan
The church pulpit, built in Renaissance style, is decorated with the famous swan, with its shattering story. ?The symbol above the pulpit reminds the swan?s habit to feed its cobs with his own blood, just like Jesus Christ, who has given his blood for all mankind? parson Veres Iosif said. Other exceptional items are the paintings marked with the symbols of the Magyar community, which main element is the tulip.

The Empress? Bust
The bust in the church court attracts the tourists, enchanted by the story behind. Sissy, the Austro-Hungary?s Empress, donated in 1848 a great amount to support the Magyar population of the area, although she had not Hungarian blood. As a sign of gratitude, a sculptor, which remained unknown, has made a number of the 96 busts of her across Transylvania. This one, in the yard of the Lutheran Church Halmeag, is the only one lefts in Romania. It has a tempestuous history during the communist regime; the inhabitants who hidden it preferred to go in prison rather than disclose its location.

Folkloric Museum
The villagers collected items of heritage value in a museum, which hosts an old photos exhibition, over one hundred years old furniture, popular clothes, household tools and those used in preparing food, looms, equipment used for the field work: the plough and the chariot. The choir and the brass band of Halmeag participate at all the important events of the community.


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