Tururi virtuale


Nr: 30-31
January-February 2007

Închiderea Sărbătorilor de Iarnă
Cultural Malediction
Braşovul ? primul oraş turistic
The first touring Destination of Romania
La première destination touristique de la Roumanie
La prima destinazione turistica di Romania
Braşovul în U.E.
Brasov in EU
Brasov dans l?UE
Brasov nell?UE
Dezvoltarea turistică a Braşovului
Brasov?s touring Development
Le développement touristique de Braşov
Lo sviluppo turistico di Brasov
Poiana Braşov ? o staţiune europeană
An European Resort
Une station européenne
Una stazione europea
Tursim de cinci stele la Braşov - Aro Palace
Five stars Tourism at Aro Palace
Tourisme de cinq étoiles chez Aro Palace
Turismo di cinque stelle ad Aro Palace
Obiceiul tăierii porcului
Purifying Ceremonies
Cérémonies de purification
Cerimonie purificatrici
Augustinul şi Peştera Urşilor
No Pollution Area
Une zone sans pollution
Una zona priva d?inquinamento
Investiţie spaniolă la Hărman
Teaching Hospital at Harman
Hôpital Universitaire à Harman
Hospital Universitario a Harman
Buneştiul ? o atracţie irezistibilă
History and Present at Bunesti
Histoire et présent à Bunesti
Storia e presente a Bunesti
Primul ghiocel la Codlea
The First Snowdrop at Codlea
Le Premier Perce-neige à Codea
Il Primo Bucaneve a Codlea
Predealul ? centrul turistic al ţării
A white health Resort
Une station de cure tout blanche
Una stazione di cura tutta bianca
Descendenţii regali vând Castelul ?Dracula?
The Bran Castle
Le Château Bran
Il Castello Bran
Şercaia, accesibilităţi
Cattle and flowers
Bubalines et fleurs
Bovini e fiori
Sânpetru neolitic
History and Churches
Histoire et églises
Storia e chiese
Cultura romilor din Tărlungeni
Being Gipsy and proud of it
Être gitan en toute fierté
Essere zingaro ed esserne fiero

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Cattle and flowers

Sercaia commune is located on DN 1, between Brasov and Fagaras towns, connected through strong economic and social links. It could be very interesting four various investments, such as tourism, agriculture, economy and culture.

Support for the Investors

According to mayor Cristinel Paltin, there are a lot of ways the local authorities in Sercaia can support the potential investors. ?They can enjoy the collaboration already functioning between the various companies of the area to unfold their own businesses. The locality has gas supply network, RDS communications and Internet, cable TV. There is also a reach offer of qualified and unqualified labour?.

Famous Breeders

Sercaia makes boast of its Cattle Research and Breed Station, counting over 300 buffalos, a one of a kind facility in Romania. The station still requires improvements to work at its full capacity. There also are several meat processing facilities, bakery units, concentrated forage units; the entities established through PHARE, RICOP and SAPARD funds are preferred by the European Union. Besides agriculture and breeding, the potential investors could be interested in the natural potential of the area and the agro-tourism.

Natural Monument

Dumbrava Vadului - Narcissi? Glade, a unique natural monument in Europe, has an amazing landscape. Dumbrava stretches out on about 400 ha area; when the narcissi flourish, but also in the rest of the year, a lot of tourists flock to see this natural beauty. The location often hosts various activities to attract and entertain them. Sercaia town hall offers to the investors a 1 ha small area of land, ideal for touring boarding-houses, located at the entrance in the forest, connect with the village Vad by a 3 km asphalt road.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov