Tururi virtuale


Nr: 28-29
November-December 2006

Un augurio in controcorrente della prossima migrazione: Benvenuti in Romania!
Turism de cinci stele la Braşov
Five Stars Tourism at Brasov
Tourisme de cinq étoiles à Brasov
Turismo di cinque stelle a Brasov
Primul incubator de afaceri la Braşov
The first Business Incubator
Le premier incubateur d?affaires
Invaţământul braşovean la standarde europene
Performant local School
Ecole locale performante
Alta prestazione della scuola normale
Comuna Teliu, pregătită pentru UE
Three New Schools
Trois nouvelles écoles
Tre scuole nuove
Agenţie de Dezvoltare Durabilă la Braşov
The Agency?s Inauguration
L?inauguration de l?Agence
L?inaugurazione dell?Agenzia
Memorial 15 Noiembrie 1987
15 November 1987 Memorial
Il Memoriale 15 November 1987
Centenarul vârstnicilor
The Elders? Centenary
Le Centenaire des Âgés
Il Centenario degli Anziani
Feldioara - o istorie îndelungată
Roman ruins and Romanian Leisure
Ruines romanes et agrément roumain
Rovine romane ed ozio romeno
Măieruş ? Valea nucilor sălbatici
The Valley of the wild Walnuts
La Valée des noix sauvages
La Valle dei noccioli selvaggi
Şinca Nouă ? sat european
An European Village
Un village europeean
Un villaggio europeo
Crăciunul la Apaţa
Christmas at Apata
Noël à Apata
Natale a Apata
Drăguş, un sat românesc
A Romanian Village
Un village roumain
Un villaggio romeno
Ridicatul bradului Dumbrăviţa
The Fir?s Hoist
La hausse du sapin
Ghimbavul ? o aşezare dacică
The Village near the Willows
Le village près des saules
Il villaggio delle salici
Focuri sacre pe înălţămile munţilor
Sacred Fires
Les feux sacrés
I fuochi sacri
Crizbav ? o comunitate în plină ascensiune
Durable Development at Crizbav
Développement durable à Crizbav
Sviluppo durevole a Crizbav
Invitaţie la Predeal
Invitation at Predeal
Invitation à Predeal
Invito a Predeal
Concurs de gastronomie la Prejmer
Gastronomic Contest

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Sacred Fires


The area Fundata - Sirnea - Moieciu is a sacred zone within Brasov county, where the fire
continues the tradition started with the holy fire of the Antiquity, the Prometheus?s fire, the Olympic fire, the biblical one. All the inhabitants gather around the fire on Saint Dumitru?s eve, to celebrate a special costume.

Sacred dances at Sirnea

Just before winter, on Saint Dumitru, the inhabitants of Sirnea village, light ?The Sumedru?s Fire?. Children wearing traditional clothes light a huge fire dancing sacred dances around it. The most braves jump through the fire of Sumedru, the protector of the harvests and the shepherds. The fir is lit on the hills, in the upper part of the area, so that it could be seen from far away.

History and Mythology

Prof. Radu Fruntes is the soul of the Sirnea?s community, the one who revives every year the costume.
He established a museum in the memory of his father, Nicolae Fruntes, gathering various objects used by the inhabitants, farming utensils, icons and furniture of the old houses of the local people. The visitors came to see the Sumedru?s Fire also could discover how to cook a sheep in a tin kettle, they attended the lightning ritual and danced with the inhabitants around the fire.

The Sheep Flock?s Fire

On Fundata - Sirnea - Moieciu area, they talk about the eternal sheep flock?s fire. The shepherds always carry with them brands to light fires when they halt. The fire was meant to chase away the beasts and the bad spirits. On Saint Dumitru the inhabitants used to carefully chose a fir in the woods: it had to have a cross atop, 4-5 meters high, absolutely without curves. The fir represented the life?s ladder that people climbed to the divinity. The inhabitants used to burn the fir as they way to thank God.


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