Tururi virtuale


Nr: 20-21
March-April 2006

Învierea Domnului
Religion on Eggs
Reţeta turismului de succes
The successful Tourism Recipe
Ricetta del turismo d?esito
Turismul ? o prioritate economică
Moieciu, a reach patrimony
Moieciu, un riche patrimoine
Spitalul de Urgenţă
Emergency Hospital
Hopital d?Urgence
?Purim? ? sărbătoarea bucuriei la evrei
Purim ? the Feast of Joy
Pourim ? la fête de la joie
Complexul Sportiv Naţional Poiana Braşov
The last State Facility
L?ultimo stabilimento di stato
Sărbătorile la Cristian
The Tradition?s Oak
Le chêne de la tradition
La quercia della tradizione
Tradiţii autentice la Apaţa
La Semaine des sottises
La Settimana delle schiocchezze
Intercomunalitate şi dezvoltare locală
Intercommunality and local Development
Intercommunicalité et développement local
Lupta împotriva cancerului
The Fight against Cancer
La lutte contre le cancer
La lotta contro il cancro
Modernizarea învăţământului
Educating Mind and Body
Eduquer le corps et l?esprit
Maghiarii în sărbătoare
Symbols and Practices
Symboles et Pratiques
Predeal ? pentru toate vârstele
Predeal for all ages
Predeal pour tous les âges
Oraşul Codlea, oraşul florilor
The Flowers? Town
La vile des fleurs
La città dei fiori
Parcul Industrial Metrom
Looking for a Market
Alla ricerca di un mercato
Roata în flăcări
The Wheel on Fire
La Ruota in fiamme
Punte de suflet între Braşov şi Mehedinţi
The Art?s Common Language
Le langage commun de l?art
Il linguaggio comune dell?arte
Acţiune umanitară germano-română
Ina Schaeffler against the Floods
Ina Schaeffler contro gli allagamenti
Turismul balnear
Balneary Tourism

About Brașov Culture Previous numbers Editorial office Contact

Symbols and Practices



On 15 of March, the Magyar Community from Braşov celebrate, along with the magyars all over the world, the revolution of 1848. This year, the premier Călin Popescu Tăriceanu addressed a message to the entire Magyar community from Romania and expressed his consideration for this event.
The Magyars? Democrat Union of Braşov paid respect to its heroes by organizing several manifestations in the localities with Magyar ethnics.
In Braşov, the opening took place at the historical monument of Timişul de Sus. The event was attended by Nagy Karol ? Hungary Embassy?s representative, Attila Kovacs ? president of UDMR Braşov, Szente Ladislau ? from the Municipal Organisation Braşov, Marko Gabor ? county counsellor, Gabor Imre ? local counsellor, officialdom of the Magyar community, pupils from Teliu, Budila and Săcele.

The Heroes? Cult
Kassay Geza, the priest of The Reformer Church in Braşov, reminded several historical facts and expressed his joy that the Magyars have the chance to peacefully celebrate the event. Children visited the heroes? graves of Săcele, Zizin, Budila, Timişul de Sus, put flowers on tombs, recited poetries, sang songs and lighted candles, accompanied by the brass band from Săcele.

51.000 Members
The Magyars living in Braşov pertain to various confessions: Roman Catholic (most of them), Greek Catholic, Reformed, Unitarians, Evangelists and Baptists. Every confession celebrates its religious feasts according to the specific ritual. Deputy Atilla Kovacs, president of UDMR Braşov, a community of 51.000 members, revealed that the union?s projects involve all the inhabitants, whether they are Magyars, Romanians, Germans or Gypsies.

Written Eggs
The Magyar rituals related to Eastern are older than the Christianity. The Magyar tribes, settled in the Asiatic deserts, used to worship even before their Christianization a unique Creator; their intercessor in front of Good almighty was The Serene Lady of Earth.
Painting eggs is an ancient practice, related to the Primordial Egg?s symbol that gave birth to the Universe and to the Redeemer?s blood, guttered, according to the legend, on the eggs left by a woman under the Cross. The Magyar technique of painting eggs is actually called ?writing the eggs?, using a nib, wax and acid to draw the traceries. Women put the painted eggs in a little basket or a pot whit corn germinated seeds. Friends and family members are offered eggs the first Monday after Easter.
Being a feast of joy, the resurrection of nature and hope, boys are always up to mischief: they splash the girls, using a bucket or a soda flask. Everybody gets wet but nobody gets mad. There is a wide-spread practice, in the villages and in Braşov as well, where thousands of men wish happiness and prosperity on Resurrection Feast.


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