Tururi virtuale


Nr: 20-21
March-April 2006

Învierea Domnului
Religion on Eggs
Reţeta turismului de succes
The successful Tourism Recipe
Ricetta del turismo d?esito
Turismul ? o prioritate economică
Moieciu, a reach patrimony
Moieciu, un riche patrimoine
Spitalul de Urgenţă
Emergency Hospital
Hopital d?Urgence
?Purim? ? sărbătoarea bucuriei la evrei
Purim ? the Feast of Joy
Pourim ? la fête de la joie
Complexul Sportiv Naţional Poiana Braşov
The last State Facility
L?ultimo stabilimento di stato
Sărbătorile la Cristian
The Tradition?s Oak
Le chêne de la tradition
La quercia della tradizione
Tradiţii autentice la Apaţa
La Semaine des sottises
La Settimana delle schiocchezze
Intercomunalitate şi dezvoltare locală
Intercommunality and local Development
Intercommunicalité et développement local
Lupta împotriva cancerului
The Fight against Cancer
La lutte contre le cancer
La lotta contro il cancro
Modernizarea învăţământului
Educating Mind and Body
Eduquer le corps et l?esprit
Maghiarii în sărbătoare
Symbols and Practices
Symboles et Pratiques
Predeal ? pentru toate vârstele
Predeal for all ages
Predeal pour tous les âges
Oraşul Codlea, oraşul florilor
The Flowers? Town
La vile des fleurs
La città dei fiori
Parcul Industrial Metrom
Looking for a Market
Alla ricerca di un mercato
Roata în flăcări
The Wheel on Fire
La Ruota in fiamme
Punte de suflet între Braşov şi Mehedinţi
The Art?s Common Language
Le langage commun de l?art
Il linguaggio comune dell?arte
Acţiune umanitară germano-română
Ina Schaeffler against the Floods
Ina Schaeffler contro gli allagamenti
Turismul balnear
Balneary Tourism

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The Fight against Cancer



The members of the Liberal Party ? the subsidiary of Braşov, organized, in the early March, at ,,Reduta? Cultural Center, a symposium meant to promote the governmental health program ,,The Health?s Key - The Disease?s Prevention?. Four hundred women working in various fields attended the event, whose goal was the prevention and combating of the cervix and breast cancer. A few notorious specialists from Braşov, such as Professor dr. Alin Cucu, surgeon senior registrar, dr. Ionel Aurel, obstetric-gynaecology head physician, dr. Cezar Podaşcă, obstetric-gynaecology specialist and dr. Irina Vişa, plastic and corrective surgery physician, taught them health lessons.

Diagnosis and Reconstruction
Monica Tatoiu, Oriflame General Manager, and Norica Nicolai, president of the Liberal Women Organisation offered the participants an individual card that allows a free cytological diagnosis. Monica Tatoiu also promised to cover the surgical treatment for those who would decide to go under the knife for the breast reconstruction. Fliers were distributed containing ten practical advices to prevent the cervix and the breast cancer.

Detecting cancer at home
The specialized physicians emphasized on the prevention method ? the medical check ? for the cervix cancer symptoms are nearly inexistent. Doctors taught the women how the palpate and inspect themselves in front of the mirror, simple practices credited as methods to detect the breast cancer. Professor dr. Cucu reminded the auditorium that half of the planet?s population are women; therefore it is very important for them to be healthy and that everyone of them has a chance to regain her femininity.
As an emphasis of the femininity, the organisers set up a fashion parade; Doina Pulbere, the manager of the ,,Always young? company, presented a collection of wedding dresses and evening gowns.


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