Tururi virtuale


Nr: 178-182
May-September 2019

Inside Brașov 15 ani
Inside Brașov celebrates 15 years
15 Jahre Inside Brașov
15 éves az Inside Brașov România
Feldioara - „Cetatea vie”
Feldioara - “The Living Fortress”
Marienburg - „Die lebendige Burg“
Földvár – az élő vár
Zilele Comunei Hălchiu
Hălchiu Days
Die Tage der Gemeinde Heldsdorf
Höltövényi Napok
Hărman: „Chip magic, văzut în arta țărănească”
Hărman: “Magic guise, revealed by folk art”
Honigberg: „Magischer Antlitz in der Volkskunst“
Höltövényi Napok
Festivalul Vinului Rose’n’Wine 2019
Rose’n’Wine 2019 Wine Festival
Das Weinfestival Rose'n' Wine 2019
Rose’n’Wine 2019 Borfesztivál
Vama Buzăului – Capitala folk-ului românesc
Vama Buzăului – The Romanian folk music capital
Vama Buzăului - Die Hauptstadt der rumänisch Folk-Musik
Bodzavám – a román folk fővárosa
LiBEARty NU este o grădină zoologică
LiBEARty is NOT a zoo
LiBEARty ist kein Zoo
LiBEARty NEM állatkert
Brașov: poveștile orașului
Brașov: Tales of the City
Kronstadt und seine Geschichten
Brassó: a város meséi
Protocol la Curtea Regală
The Royal Court Protocol
Das Protokoll am königlichen Hof
Protokoll a Királyi Udvarban
Expoziţie de artă textilă "Déviations"
The Textile Art Exhibition "Déviations"
Die Textilkunstaustellung "Déviations"
Déviations textilművészeti kiállítás
Cerbul de Aur 2019
Golden Stag 2019
Der Goldene Hirsch 2019
Oktoberfest „2009 VS 2019”
Oktoberfest „2009 VS 2019”
Oktoberfest „2009 vs 2019“
Oktoberfest 2009 VS 2019

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Oktoberfest „2009 VS 2019”



For the organisers, the 11th edition of Oktoberfest Festival means 11 years of party with a lot of Ciucaş beer, tasted by tens of thousands of tourists from all the corners of the world who came to party in Brașov. The Festival is organized between September 5th and 15th, in two big tents: Wiesenzelt and Kronstadtzelt, situated where the former Municipal Stadium used to be. The organisers are inviting the citizens of the city, gentlemen, ladies, knights, fathers-in-law, grandfathers and grandmothers, bachelors or family people, young ladies and neighbours to wish you all: Good luck!

Theme of 2019 edition

The organisers say that many things have changed since 2009, but fun stayed the same. „The challenge is getting back in time to enjoy the present moment even more. The theme of this edition is 2009 VS 2019. Beer will make you remember moments from previous editions. Stag Cornel, together with uncle Hans and his beautiful Bavarian nieces will help you write new stories and unforgettable moments”. declared Cristian Macedonschi.

Oktoberfest, in numbers

„Oktoberfest started shyly by the foothills of Tâmpa, and 10 years later became the biggest festival of this kind in Romania. It started with an event on a land of 1.200 sqm and reached 25.000 sqm. It started with 35,000 visitors and reached 350,000. This is what Oktoberfest Brașov 2009 VS. 2019 means in numbers”. declared Anemona Hermenean, festival organiser.

Memory drawers

All along the year, the organisers started collecting moments and are preparing great prizes. This year you shall have the opportunity to appreciate the pictures taken from the memory drawer.
Ever since 2009, Oktoberfest Brașov takes the Bavarian tradition further. There will be smoke, as in every year.


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Created by S.C. Twin SoftWare S.R.L. Braşov