Sculptor Sorin Manesa Burloiu makes household pieces: wooden drinking bowls, spoons, chests for dishes, salt and sugar bowls, as well as other ritual and functional objects. Among such, we can mention carved wooden crosses and other functional objects. The artist carefully chooses the wood, dries it and makes the pieces with the wood lathe. The products are spectacular, and the models are inspired from the Romanian traditional art, altogether with the artist?s own imagination.
Art objects
Among the functional objects made by the sculptor there are little tables, gate, stairs, and among the art objects we mention ornamental bowls. Besides these, the craftsman also creates toys for children, the most wanted being the peg top.
The wood he uses is from Romania, but some pieces are made of exotic essences. Among the vernacular essences we mention: the great maple, the plum tree, the pear-tree and sometimes the nut-tree.
Wood treatment
?When I hear wood is being cut, I go there and buy it. First I dry it naturally. Otherwise, it becomes brittle or it cracks. Most of the works are pieces done on the wood lathe. I also make notched, painted works. Not all pieces are painted, because some are preferred not to be treated in any way?, declared the artist Sorin Manesa Burloiu.
Wooden bowls
?The most attractive are the pieces that are spectacularly shaped or have an exquisite model. Wooden bowls on the lathe are really in demand and I carve them manually, I finish and treat them with various oils and I do not use lacquer. Moreover, the adornments, the pendants, the wooden broaches and crosses are really successful. Peg tops are really bestsellers both for children and adults?, concluded Sorina Manesa Burloiu.
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