Tururi virtuale


Nr: 126-128
January-March 2015

Trendul de vizitatori, în creștere
Visitors trend growing
Steigende Besucherzahlen
Növekvőben a látogatók száma
Ghidul turistic al Brașovului din 1891
Brasov Tourist Guide from 1891
Kronstadt-Reiseführer aus 1891
Brassó turisztikai kalauza 1891-ből
Pelerinaj la Sfântul Anton
Pilgrimage to Saint Anthony
Pilgerreise zum Heiligen Anton
Zarándoklat Szent Antalhoz
"Curtea lui Honterus"
"Honterus Courtyard"
Der Honterushof
"A Honterus udvar"
Auschwitz-Birkenau: 70 de ani
70th Anniversary of the Liberation - Auschwitz-Birkenau
Auschwitz-Birkenau: 70 Jahre
Auschwitz-Birkenau: 70 év
Codlea și Țara Zânelor
Codlea and Tara Zanelor (The Fairies Land)
Zeiden und das Land der Feen
Feketehalo és a Tündérek Országa
Ormeniș și Cetatea Tipia
Ormenis and Tipia Citadel
Ormeniş und die Tipia-Burg
Ürmös és a Töpe vár
Legende cu femei, la Prejmer
Legends about Women, in Prejmer
Sagen um Tartlauer Frauen
Nőkről szóló legendák Prázsmáron
Cetatea de deasupra norilor
The Fortress above the Clouds
Die Burg über den Wolken
Vár a felhők felett
Drumurile medievale
Medieval Roads
Mittelalterliche Straßen
Középkori utak
Excursii de o zi în Țara Făgărașului
One-Day Trips to Tara Fagarasului
Tagesausflüge im Fogarascher Landesgrenze
Egynapos kirándulás Fogarasföldön
Comuna Vulcan ? modelul înaintașilor
Vulcan Locality - Following the Ancestors` Footsteps
Die Gemeinde Wolkendorf ? das Beispiel der Vorfahren
Szászvolkány község ? elődeink mintaképe

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The Fortress above the Clouds


Legend goes that up on top of Ciucas Mountains there was a good angel who lived in a fortress above the clouds. Spiteful, the devil also built a fortress of its own up in the sky and came down to earth among the people farming the land, trying to lure them into celebrating for seven days in a row with food and wine. Many did not listen to the devil and run to God to ask for help. Meanwhile the devil`s fortress disappeared. Four families ran to the left and got into the valley where they settled (Bradet-Sacele) and built their homes. This settlement is named Patrusate (four villages). The other three families split up, two went to the right and formed villages Zizin and Purcareni, and another one fled to the left, forming Tarlungeni village.

The Devil`s Hand

According to the legend, God punished the devil`s pride and struck it by a powerful lightning which got it underground; yet one hand remained at surface and turned into a rock. That rock has been named the "Rock of the Devil`s Hand" ever since.
Legend also has it that when the good angel had its fortress above the clouds, the peak of Ciucas Mountains was surrounded by fog. This legend continues to exist nowadays so when people see fog around the mountains` top they know that it`s going to be a rainy day.

The Devil`s Valley

Another legend from Tarlungeni-Sacele region tells about a shepherd who has gone to the mountains with his ship. His wife followed him and when she arrived in the Devil`s Valley, a terrible storm started. She continued to walk, but she was struck by lightning and was petrified. When passing by that place, the man thought to himself that the rock seemed to resemble his wife and started to play his pipe. The rock then started to weep and from that moment on people have considered it to be place from where the river Tarlung sprang.
Here in Zizin village, which administratively belongs to Tarlungeni commune, there are also mineral springs. They contain salts and carbon dioxide, and nowadays the water from these springs is bottled and sold, being highly appreciated by consumers.

Origin of Tarlungeni Name

The name of Tarlungeni locality is related to two legends: one refers to the legend of the river Tarlung which crosses the locality and the other one says that this locality was settled on a "tarla lunga" (which means a long strip of land), hence the name of Tarlungeni later on. In Purcareni village, within the administrative and territorial range of Tarlungeni locality, there is also the palaeontologist reserve "Uluci" considered to be a natural monument, with corals and shellfish.

Tar este legată de două izvoare: una de legenda râului Tărlung, care traversează localitatea și o altă legendă care se referă la faptul că așezarea a fost amplasată pe o "târlă lungă", fapt ce i-a dat mai târziu numele de "Tărlungeni".
Pe raza administrativ-teritorială a comunei Tărlungeni, în satul Purcăreni, se mai află rezervația paleontologică "Uluci", considerată monument al naturii care conține o formațiune de corali și crustacee.


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