Predeal: Investments in the tourist area
Predeal Town Hall carries out projects designed to modernize and improve the infrastructure in the tourist area Clabucet - Cioplea - Predeal. The project budget is invested in the rehabilitation of the road infrastructure and the increase of the parking places in the town. The total value of the "Accessibility in the Tourist Area Clabucet ? Cioplea ? Predeal" project is of 55.27 million lei and it is designed to complete other investments projects in the ski area, ski slopes arrangement and development, the same as tourists? safety.
Parking and Bicycle Lanes
The overall goal of the project is to increase the accessibility of the tourist area Cioplea - Clabucet from Predeal resort by improving the public infrastructure conditions in the context of creating jobs, protecting the environment and increasing the quality of life of the tourist area inhabitants. This project shall enhance the rehabilitation of 2.9 km of streets and the development of 3.7 km of buckle lanes. Three multiple-storey car parking and a terraced parking shall be built in the tourist accessible areas of the resort.
Ease of Traffic Flow
When the project implementation is complete, the traffic flow will be eased and the travel time between the tourist accessible areas of Predeal shall be reduced by re-directing the vehicles parked on the carriage way to the specially arranged premise. The project is funded by the Priority Axis 1 of the Regional Operation Program, the sub-domain designed for the development of Brasov Growth Pole.
Tourism, Income Generator
Another project is the construction of a leisure and SPA centre in Predeal using 20.15 million euro coming from EU funds.
Tourism is a stimulating factor for the local economy of the town and it generates numerous jobs in Predeal and not only. Due to the environment conditions, the most developed form of tourism of Predeal resort is winter sports tourism. We still need to diminish tourist seasonality by developing other type of tourism and this is why we want to invest in this centre". declared Liviu Cocos, Mayor of Predeal.