At the initiative of the Agency for Sustainable Development of Brasov County (ADDJB) in partnership with Brasov County Council and the Metropolitan See of Transylvania, in order to help the county citizens in distress and unable to obtain the necessary subsistence income, within "Brasov Solidarity" project started in 2011, several successful social actions were held until December 2013. The slogan of "Brasov Solidarity" project is "Other may use what you have in excess" which touched the heart of the sponsors who made donations to cover the needs of other people.
School Dropout Prevention
"The beneficiaries of this project are the children in school dropout of Brasov County because of indigence and of their financial situation, Brasov County citizens unable to obtain the necessary subsistence income and the elders in need with no caregiver left. The citizen may donate: clothing, footwear, school supplies, toys and hard perishable food within the validity term. In fact, you can donate anything that abounds and that you no longer use. The people in need will appreciate any help of this kind. The goods can be donated at the head office of ADDJ Brasov, str. Apullum 3." declared Mihai Pascu, the President of ADDJB.
Support of the Sponsors
"All the actions organized within the project received donations from the citizens of Brasov and from Romanian and foreign legal entities. We give our thanks to the partners of the association in England, among whom former police officers who strived and managed to gather donations for Brasov. My statement relies on how difficult the fund raise was considering the latest migration of the Romanian citizens. Despite all these, the English partners want to continue this project in 2014 as well." said Iosif Ciurean, Deputy Manager of ADDJB.
Public Thanks
The project beneficiaries would like to thank the sponsors: the Romanian Red Cross ? Brasov Branch, the British organization New Castle Police Aid to Romanian Children, Prosoft Brasov, Samus Braşov, Hibridul Harman, Bod Sugar Factory, PSD (The Social Democrat Party) City Organization Brasov, PNL (The National Liberal Party) City Organization Brasov, "Dr. I.Mesota" High-School Brasov, The Romanian Association for Quality Promotion and Successful Practices, Mum Brasov, Cibin Brasov, Valdoris Brasov, Redplast Brasov.