A series of events for tourists are organized in commune Teliu, Brasov County, but also events addressed especially to Romanians in historical communities. The Town Hall of commune Teliu support this way such projects, the most important being "SINAPSA ? the Romanian Christian Art International Festival" aiming at activating the historical connections between the Romanians in the country and historical Romanian communities from Basarabia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Hungary and Ukraine. Purpose: knowing the common values regarding history, language, faith, traditions, folklore. The Festival shall be organized during July 7th-15th 2013, in localities from Brasov and Covasna counties: Teliu, Harman, Brasov, Sambăta de Sus, Sacele, Prejmer, Intorsura Buzaului and Vama Buzaului.
Sculpture camp
"During this period of time, a series of events dedicated to Easter Holidays and several festivals where our children can participate are organized in commune Teliu. I was impressed when I found children in the Church and they were confessing and communing for Easter. We have a new church and we have managed to make interior pictures, in fresco. The Orthodox Church Teliu ? Vale organizes during July 4th-7th 2013, a sculpture camp "Old traditions in new spirit", especially addressed to young people in the rural areas, with the support of the Town Hall Teliu. The event also attracts young people from counties Covasna and Harghita." declared Vasile Serban, the Mayor of commune Teliu.
Though endurance to Resurrection
In April 23rd, when Christians celebrate Saint George, the Association of the Romanian Christian Orthodox Students, the Social Cultural Association "Transylvanian Soul", University Transilvania Brasov, Students? House of Culture Brasov, the Orthodox Congregation Teliu - Vale and Town Hall Teliu organized a meeting ? show about the poetry of prisons. The event was named "Though endurance to Resurrection". The show was blessed by the Metropolitan of Ardeal, Laurentiu Streza.
Missing folk music
"We have a group of young people learning to sing at several instruments: guitar, whistle, piano and harmonica. We have brought 20 guitars and four electronic pianos from Germany that we have offered them to children. During May 18th-19th 2013, children shall participate in the 1st edition of the Festival ? "Missing Folk music" at the Cultural Centre Reduta, addressed to all skilled children and aims at reviving the interest for music and discovery and promotion of young talents, as well as the promotion of artistic debut." declared priest Costin Butnar from the Orthodox Church Teliu ? Vale.