Tururi virtuale


Nr: 105-107
April-June 2013

Aeroportul, start la pistă
Start of the airport construction
Der Flughafen: Start für die Abflugbahn
Repülőtért, start a leszállópályán
Braşovul multicultural
Brasov - a multicultural town
Das multikulturelle Kronstadt
A multikulturális Brassó
Guvernoratul Erbil, la Braşov
Erbil Governorate in Brasov
Die Leitung der Region Erbil in Kronstadt
Erbil kormányzója Brassóban
Zilele Braşovului ? "Oraşul Coroanei"
The Days of Brasov ? "Crown City"
Die Tage Kronstadts - "Die Stadt der Krone"
Brassó napok ? "A Korona városa"
Ziua Israelului, la Braşov
The Day of Israel, in Braşov
Israels Nationalfeiertag in Kronstadt
Izrael napja Brassóban
"Odaia cu Lumină Lină", în Castelul lui Dracula
"The Chamber with Soft Light", in the Castle of Dracula
"Die Kammer mit dem milden Licht" in Draculas Schloss
A lágy fény szobája Dracula kastélyában
Budila, vatră din secolul XIII
Budila, a settlement dating back to the 13th century
Budila, ein Dorf aus dem 13. Jahrhundert
Bodola, lakóhely a XIII. századból
Cristianul cu două vetre
Cristian tracing its roots from two directions
Cristian/Neustadt und seine Kerngebiete
A két központú Keresztényfalva
Artă creştină la Teliu
Christian art in Teliu
Christliche Kunst in Teliu
Keresztény művészet Keresztváron
Hărman: 1.500 de ouă încondeiate
Harman: 1500 painted eggs
Honigberg: 1.500 bemalte Eier
Szászhermány: 1 500 írott tojás
Primăvara, la Predeal
Springtime in Predeal
Frühjahr in Predeal
Tavasz Predeálon
"Dârstele Braşovului"
"The Fulling Mills of Brasov"
"Dârstele Brasovului"
"Brassó Derestyéje"

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"The Chamber with Soft Light", in the Castle of Dracula



In a holiday atmosphere, Romanian and foreign tourists had the chance to enjoy the holy light of Easter, in a specially arranged room which belonged to Queen Mary, in Bran Castle. The exhibition "The Chamber with Soft Light" was organized here, being dedicated to the celebration of Easter holidays. The interior of a rural room from Tara Fagarasului was reconstructed and photos depicting the village world with faces of peasants were displayed. Tourists could take part in an interactive egg-painting workshop.

Celebrating Easter in the Romanian village

"This year we have changed the theme and managed to offer the visitors the former aspect of an old traditional house where moments like cleaning and egg-painting during Easter time were represented. The number of the Romanian visitors has increased as compared to foreign people and we have succeeded to attract our citizens` attention. Usually, foreign people resonate better to this kind of events. The exhibition "The Chamber with Soft Light" was intended to re-open the taste for old customs and mark the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The photos managed to convey to tourists the significance of the Romanian village and to embody it as it used to be 100-200 years ago," said Mr. Alexandru Priscu, Manager of Bran Castle.

Respecting the tradition

The genuine national costume has been represented by folk craftswoman Doina Ghircoias, from Bucium village, Brasov County, who dressed in a rural costume woven on a loom, representing the region of Tara Fagarasului. Wishing to show them to the tourists, she brought items she had from her ancestors for the exhibition. Cloths, embroideries and items which were once used in the rural households were also present. On a whole, Doina managed to present a part of the old Easter customs. Nowadays, they are passed on by her son who weaves on a loom and by her daughter who makes embroidery.

The symbol, in the centre of attention

Mr. Ioan Prahoveanu, scientific researcher, together with Mr. Adrian Valusescu, Manager of the Department for the Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Brasov, spoke about the symbolism of the Easter customs, of the red-coloured Easter Egg which symbolizes the blood of Jesus Christ and pointed out the elements specific to regions Tara Barsei and Tara Fagarasului.
In Bran area, emphasis is put on the beginning of the Pastoral Year and elements such as the shepherd?s stick, the horn of the ram, the Easter knot-shaped bread and glass-painted icons symbolize the "Grieving Mary", the "Resurrection" and "Saint George".


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