Tururi virtuale


Nr: 105-107
April-June 2013

Aeroportul, start la pistă
Start of the airport construction
Der Flughafen: Start für die Abflugbahn
Repülőtért, start a leszállópályán
Braşovul multicultural
Brasov - a multicultural town
Das multikulturelle Kronstadt
A multikulturális Brassó
Guvernoratul Erbil, la Braşov
Erbil Governorate in Brasov
Die Leitung der Region Erbil in Kronstadt
Erbil kormányzója Brassóban
Zilele Braşovului ? "Oraşul Coroanei"
The Days of Brasov ? "Crown City"
Die Tage Kronstadts - "Die Stadt der Krone"
Brassó napok ? "A Korona városa"
Ziua Israelului, la Braşov
The Day of Israel, in Braşov
Israels Nationalfeiertag in Kronstadt
Izrael napja Brassóban
"Odaia cu Lumină Lină", în Castelul lui Dracula
"The Chamber with Soft Light", in the Castle of Dracula
"Die Kammer mit dem milden Licht" in Draculas Schloss
A lágy fény szobája Dracula kastélyában
Budila, vatră din secolul XIII
Budila, a settlement dating back to the 13th century
Budila, ein Dorf aus dem 13. Jahrhundert
Bodola, lakóhely a XIII. századból
Cristianul cu două vetre
Cristian tracing its roots from two directions
Cristian/Neustadt und seine Kerngebiete
A két központú Keresztényfalva
Artă creştină la Teliu
Christian art in Teliu
Christliche Kunst in Teliu
Keresztény művészet Keresztváron
Hărman: 1.500 de ouă încondeiate
Harman: 1500 painted eggs
Honigberg: 1.500 bemalte Eier
Szászhermány: 1 500 írott tojás
Primăvara, la Predeal
Springtime in Predeal
Frühjahr in Predeal
Tavasz Predeálon
"Dârstele Braşovului"
"The Fulling Mills of Brasov"
"Dârstele Brasovului"
"Brassó Derestyéje"

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Harman: 1500 painted eggs



In commune Harman, Brasov County, the Town Hall has made available a space where there is an Ethnography Museum with an impressive collection of household elements from a peasant house, a collection of popular costumes and glass icons, a piece of a church and a collection of painted eggs. The Small Temple can be seen here ? the peasant house and the Big Temple - the church of God, together representing the micro cosmos and the macro cosmos, a memorial table with knot-shaped bread, symbolising the birth and death, the column of the sky, with base pillar or grave cross.

Spiritual life

"We have supported the activity of this museum, by the Cultural Association "Vatra Harmanului" because it promotes the popular traditions and the traditional crafts, next to the Romanian popular costume. The spiritual life in these places may be seen in the museum. The pupils of the Association have obtained the 1st prize at the Egg-Painting Festival organized in Bucovina. This year we want to organize cultural evening sittings for village women where we will invite people from the world of the Romanian village. On the occasion of Harmanului Days, the Romanian songs and dances can be seen on the stage in the locality, and a corner of the Romanian village can be seen in the." declared Mihai Disor, the Mayor of commune Harman.

100 models on eggs

"We have painted more than 1500 eggs in the workshop of the museum from which more than 100 models are from Tara Barsei. This is due to Prof. Sorin Apan, who passed from among us, but who left an expressive, fascinating inheritance. The piece of church was painted by Toma Condrea, church painter. Adam can be seen working the land or Saint Prophet Ilie. Symbols are presented on eggs, among which "Hora" (the Round Dance) or "Jesus Christ getting out of the grave". All the eggs have a kind of a frame ? a symmetry dividing one face from the other, but with the same model on Earth as it is in Heaven. If you open the frame it becomes the column of the sky." declared Adrian Micu, the Founding President of "Vatra Harmanului" Association.

The egg is a treasure

For "badia" (brother) Adrian Micu the egg is a treasure, it is fabulous and in his workshop he changes nothing from the 3500 years B.C. old symbolic, the models being 5500 years old, resisting in time as a treasure. Egg hurtling for Easter has the purpose of breaking the egg and for life to get out in light. During the old times, the women used to go out at the gates with painted eggs, offering a magic show.
In the museum, elements representing the birth, the wedding, the cultural evening sitting for village women, the loom and a kind of a horn, brought from Gaina Mountain still recall what used to happen in village world.


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